Student Life News

TWU offers free COVID-19 testing

Free mobile COVID-19 testing will be available Nov. 2-6 and Nov. 16-20 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Pioneer Park (north of Jones Hall, east of DGL). A check-in tent and testing tent will be set up to accommodate testing for any TWU student or employee with or without insurance.

TWU Student Health Services to offer free flu shots

In an ongoing effort to provide services that help keep the TWU community safe and healthy, Student Health Services will host a FREE flu shot clinic Nov. 2-6, 8 a.m. until noon on the Denton campus by appointment.

In-person events make a comeback to TWU

After a long hiatus in face-to-face, in-person programs, Student Life is offering a slate of reoccurring events starting this week and continuing until Nov 20. Events are designed to help students connect with each other and provide a sense of normalcy in an otherwise very abnormal year. 

TWU providing laptops for short-term and long-term use

Students who need access to laptops to complete assignments can now borrow them for short-term and long-term use through a new campus program.


TWU cancels Boo at the U due to COVID-19

Like many things in 2020, TWU’s traditional Boo at the U celebration has been canceled this year. The well-attended TWU and Denton community event will be replaced by Pioneer Fright Week, featuring a series of events scattered throughout the week for students, employees and alumni.