Personal Training

personal trainer with students

Getting Started with a Personal Trainer

The first step to personal training is finding a fit with a personal trainer.

  • Step 1: Pick one of our qualified trainers or we can pick one for you based on your goals and availability.
  • Step 2Fill out a Personal Training Registration Form at the Student Recreation Center front desk or fill out the online application form Payment is not required until the first session with your personal trainer.
  • Step 3: A personal trainer will contact you within 5 working days to set up your first appointment.

Each personal training session lasts about an hour. The first meeting is devoted to assessing fitness level, body measurements, exercise, and health history and goals.

Be prepared to step on the scale, have your body fat tested, and answer specific questions about your goals. After that, you'll spend most of your time performing aerobic activity and strength training.

Personal Training Rates

All sessions are one hour (1 Trainer, 1 Client)

TWU Faculty/
3 sessions $57 $83 $114
6 sessions $105 $159 $219
9 sessions $159 $227 $312
12 sessions $192 $288 $396

Personal Training Policies

For personal training to be effective, participants and trainers must know what the expectations are for both sides. Adhering to the following Policies and Procedures will ensure success!

Individualized fitness instruction will include:

  • Fitness and goal assessment upon the initiation of the program.  All information will be kept confidential.
  • Continued education and instruction in the components of fitness:  cardiovascular training, muscular conditioning training, flexibility and body composition.  Often, a variety of fitness-related equipment will be used based on the client’s goals and needs.
  • One to three 1 hour sessions per week with the assistance of a qualified personal trainer or fitness specialist scheduled to accommodate both the participant and the trainer.

Scheduling Sessions

Trainers and clients schedule their own appointments, independent of TWU Fitness and Recreation front desk or management staff.

Expiration Date of Training Sessions

Personal training sessions will expire six (6) months from the date of purchase unless serious extenuating circumstances prevent the client from returning. Extending the expiration date is allowed upon agreement between the client, the personal trainer, and TWU Fitness and Recreation management.

Late Policy

Clients must be dressed appropriately and ready to participate at the time of the scheduled session. The trainer is only required to wait for the client for 10 minutes. If a session begins late due to the client, the trainer has the right to deduct those minutes off of the session. The trainer is also responsible for arriving and being prepared to begin on time. Sessions will start and end on time.

Cancellation Policy

If a client must miss a scheduled personal training appointment due to illness, emergency, travel or etc., he/she should notify TWU Fitness and Recreation and / or the personal trainer at the earliest possible date and make arrangements with the trainer to reschedule the appointment. If a client does not notify TWU Fitness and Recreation and/or the personal trainer within 24 hours, he/she will be charged for that session as if he/she had used it. The trainer is also responsible for giving a client 24 hours notice if he/she needs to cancel an appointment.

First Session

The majority of a client's first session may be a consultation and/or fitness assessment with the trainer. This consultation is designed to set goals, learn more about the client and provide education.

Medical Release

After reviewing a client's lifestyle questionnaire, medical history questionnaire and/or the fitness assessment results, it may be determined that a medical release is required before personal training can continue. These guidelines for medical clearance are based on the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines.

Current Membership to TWU Fitness and Recreation

Clients must be current TWU Students or current TWU Fitness and Recreation members in order to participate in the personal training program.

Check In at the Front Desk

Clients are still required to check in at the fitness center front desk with the appropriate ID before working with the personal trainer.

Outside Personal Trainers

No outside trainers or coaches are allowed to use the facilities without prior permission by TWU Fitness and Recreation management.

Problems with Personal Training

Please inform Allison Meguro if you have any problems, questions or concerns that arise. We want this experience to be positive and successful!


Once you have completed your sessions, you may be asked to complete a brief evaluation in order to determine quality of the services rendered by the personal trainer, quality of the program, and education received.

It is also important to note what the individualized fitness instruction will NOT include:

Diagnosis, treatment, and/or rehabilitation of any health conditions and/or illnesses. Trainers may refer clients to appropriate health professionals based on the identification of potential risk factors. Personal trainers may also receive exercise, health or nutrition guidelines from appropriate health care providers in order to best meet the fitness needs of the client. Nutrition or supplement education beyond the USDA Food Guidance System. Counseling clients in areas of life beyond physical fitness

Personal Trainers

Personal Trainer, Madeline Baird

Madeline Baird

Bio: Hello, my name is Madeline Baird and I am a Kinesiology major. Growing up, I was always intimidated by sports and fitness. I was obese in my early teens and dealt with a Binge Eating Disorder in middle school. I tried a dozen diets from Pinterest, magazines, and celebrities, but all they did was create a sense of failure. I did, however, enjoy physical activity, I just felt like I did not belong in the gym or other fitness spaces because of the way I looked. Over COVID, I struggled with my mental health but was able to find some relief in fitness. Once I got diagnosed and treated for my ADHD, I started self-taught powerlifting and never looked back. Weightlifting, for strength or hypertrophy, created a sense of empowerment and confidence that I had not been able to find anywhere else. I am very passionate about fitness, and I believe that the gym is a place where everyone belongs. When working with me as your trainer, I want to help establish healthy habits and mindsets to ultimately reach your fitness goals.

Specialties: Fat loss, habit building, strength and hypertrophy training, beginners
Kinesiology/ General Exercise Science
“Everything in time”

Noor Butt

Noor Butt

Bio: Throughout Middle and High school, I was the least athletic in all my friend groups. I tried playing soccer and basketball in order to feel connected to my peers and quickly figured out that I was absolutely terrible at sports. Not being active and not playing sports made me feel lesser than the people who did. I also felt like because of not being sporty, that was the reason I looked the way I did. I struggled with body dysmorphia for most of my teen life and with society's changing views of the "ideal" body type, I thought that the way I looked was wrong. Junior year of High school during the peak of covid I started weightlifting with my sister and fell in love. Slowly but surely, I started to feel more comfortable in my own beautiful skin. Over time I have ventured out to try different forms of physical activity including boxing and jiu-jitsu which has taught me so much including discipline and patience. My goal now is to help others feel comfortable in their own skin by helping them achieve a more blissful, healthy, and productive lifestyle through physical activity.

Specialties: Strength training, corrective exercise, rehab, motivation, athletic training
Program of Study/Major: Kinesiology Pre-PT
Mantra: “Live uncomfortable”

Karolyn Cross (she/her)

Karolyn Cross (she/her)

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Bio: I’ve been involved with sports all throughout my life, and I always strive to do my best in the face of every challenge. While in high school I played golf and basketball, and I worked my way up to the varsity AAU level. During that time, I helped train my fellow teammates to become stronger athletes in their given sport, and I felt such satisfaction and fulfillment in helping them achieve their goals and overcome boundaries. This prompted my pursuit of personal training, and I love sharing my passion with others to help them achieve their personal fitness goals.  

Specialties: Strength and resistance training, sports performance training, athletic training
Major: Kinesiology Pre-PT
Mantra:  “I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.”

Personal Trainer, Greyson King

Greyson King (he/him)

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Bio: I am a 3rd year Kinesiology - Exercise Science student here at TWU. Most of my life I’ve been involved in athletics in some capacity, and fell in love with training at a young age. As a basketball player, I spent a lot of time as an athlete involved in strength and conditioning. Eventually I transitioned to my own training which focused more on muscle hypertrophy and really pushing my limits in my new found sport of bodybuilding. Through my journey, I have discovered the importance of physical exercise not only for the baseline health benefits, but for the mental health benefits as well. I hope to continue to share the value of exercise for mental and physical health to others. Training and helping others learn how to properly exercise is one of my passions, and because of that, I decided to get my own Personal Training Certification through the ISSA. I hope that I can not only help others learn how to exercise, but find the importance of it for themselves.

Specialties: Strength training, muscle hypertrophy training, body recomposition
Major: Kinesiology, Exercise Science
Mantra: “Work as hard on the little things as the big things, because one day you’ll realize the little things were the big things.”

Personal Trainer, Matthew Pearson

Matthew Pearson (he/him)

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Bio: My personal fitness journey began when I was in 8th grade. I was 300+ lbs and was told by a doctor that I needed to lose weight quickly before I developed fatty liver disease. I immediately got to work and lost 100lbs over the course of a year, but I did it the wrong way by doing tons of cardio while eating very little food. I soon gained most of the weight back over the course of the next few years and I learned that this wasn't a good way to lose weight and keep it off for good. I began reading about resistance training and how it can improve one's metabolic rate by building muscle and strength, so I began lifting weights. Ever since then, I have been consistently weight training while educating myself on all things strength training and my fitness journey has been set on the correct path. Although I'm dropping off the fat slower than before, I feel the best I have ever felt and I know that I will reach my goals, albeit may take more patience than I had before. My training philosophy centers arounds using training to improve one's health, quality of life, and longevity while reaching various fitness goals and maintaining those goals. What's the point of looking a certain way if you don't feel healthy as well? Why lose 20lbs in a few months the wrong way just to gain it back a year later? It is my goal to help clients reach their goals in a healthy manner while being able to maintain their new lifestyle. 

Specialties: Strength and hypertrophy training, mobility training, corrective exercise
Major: Kinesiology Pre-PT
Mantra: "Do not let perfect be the enemy of good."

Personal Training Video Transcript (pdf)

Page last updated 1:13 PM, June 28, 2024