Student Life News

TWU presents “Boo at the U” Oct. 18

“Boo at the U” returns to the Denton campus Student Union on Oct. 18 from 5-8 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.


TWU Student-Led Video Wins $1,750 for Voter Turnout Efforts


After submitting a student-created video and a plan to turn out more students from our university in November, Pi Sigma Alpha has been awarded $1,750 to finance their voter turnout plans.


TWU signs licensing agreement with Learfield Licensing Partners

Effective July 1, 2018, TWU launched a new licensing agreement with Learfield Licensing Partners, a trademark management company specializing in collegiate licensing.

Constitution Day kicks off TWU Civic Engagement Activities

While Texas Woman’s University has historically promoted civic engagement among its students, recent initiatives beginning on Constitution Day demonstrate a renewed commitment.

Student Health Services to relocate and temporarily close

To make way for the new Student Union in Denton, Texas Woman’s University will relocate Student Health Services (SHS) from Hubbard Hall to Jones Hall. The move will begin on Friday, Sept. 14 and will continue through Monday, Sept. 17.