Student Life News

Pioneers Vote Interns have a passion for civic engagement

Andy Hackett and Alexa Hoekstra both serve as interns for Pioneers Vote. We sat down with them to learn more about their passion for civic engagement and what they have accomplished this semester.

TWU community remembers those who have passed

Each year, Texas Woman’s sponsors Pioneers Remembered, a memorial service that acknowledges those in our TWU community who have passed away and provides an opportunity for friends and family to gather and share in remembrance. This year's ceremony will be held on Dec. 2, 11 a.m., at the Little Chapel-in-the-Woods.

Ergonomic tips for students

Have you ever experienced neck, shoulder, or back pain when studying for hours at a time? Do you experience eye discomfort from staring at your computer screen? Keep reading to learn how you practicing proper ergonomics can help!

Meet TWU’s Interim Career Connections Director

While she’s not new to TWU, she is new to Student Life and the Career Connections team, so we sat down with Dr. Becky Fredrickson who is serving as the interim director of the Career Connections Center for 2022-2023 and asked her a few questions about herself and this new role.

TWU Seeks First-Ever Athletic Fee

In an open letter to TWU students, Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant explains the upcoming vote for the university’s first athletic fee and why Striving for Excellence matters.