Mental Health Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) staff at Texas Woman's University strive to support the well-being of clients and staff while also protecting their safety and privacy.
You can find updated information on their services and additional mental health resources on the CAPS website.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, you may call the TWU Department of Public Safety at 940-898-2911 and ask to speak to the on-call therapist, both during and after business hours. Additionally, CAPS has a 24/7 Crisis Line for all campuses at 940-898-HELP (4357).
Find other crisis resources including your nearest emergency room, 911, below:
⦁ Text "home" to 741741
⦁ National Suicide Line: 800-784-2433
⦁ Denton County Crisis Line: 800-762-0157
⦁ Dallas Suicide Crisis Center: 214-828-1000
⦁ Fort Worth/Tarrant County Crisis Center: 817-335-3022
⦁ Grayson/Cooke/Fannin County Crisis Line: 877-277-2226