
Studying in Greece was everything TWU's Huggins imagined

School has been back in session for a month and everyone is getting back into the daily classroom routine, shaking off the last daydreams of summer. It's been easier for some than others.

Not everyone met and was then separated from the great passion of their life.

"I really miss hearing Greek people in the background," TWU senior Riley-Grace Huggins said. "I miss that a lot. I had a FaceTime call with a friend over there, and she was speaking Greek to her mom. I almost cried. I miss it."

"It's not about the film, it's about the dialogue"

Spencer Wilkinson is not preaching to the choir.

It would be easy to dismiss Wilkinson's documentary, Alice Street, as just another socially conscious rant about gentrification, giving vent to a community's spleen. But the award-winning Alice Street is not a fist-shaking protest film, and Wilkinson has far greater ambitions than stirring up anger, regardless of how valid that anger may be.

Because Alice Street is a discussion piece.

Draft Day for DanceMakers

TWU student dancers and choreographers have begun assembling the Fall 2022 DanceMakers show, which will take place Nov. 17-19 at the Margo Jones Performance Hall. The process began with Draft Day, when dancers audition and choreographers select dancers to bring their vision to the stage.

TWU Visual Arts to host Art Day Sept. 23

TWU's division of Visual Arts is hosting Art Day, a hands-on, interactive event with art workshops and visiting professional artists for high school students and art teachers. Activities will include a printmaking maker-space, four-person exhibition and panel presentation by visiting artists, and large-format printmaking – including with a steamroller, commonly used to level roads.

Art Day takes place on Sept. 23 at the TWU Fine Arts Building at the corner of Oakland and Texas Streets on the TWU campus, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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TWU's Candelario honored by Dance Studies Association

Rosemary Candelario, Texas Woman's University associate professor of dance and director of the PhD in Dance Studies program, has been honored by the Dance Studies Association with its 2022 Mid-Career Award. The award, in its second year, recognizes leadership of mid-career scholars in the development of dance.