Student Life News
Hawa: Building Bridges
Building bridges did not always come naturally for Hawa. Today, Hawa is an honors student pursuing a degree in music therapy at Texas Woman’s University TWU in Denton, and working as a full-time caregiver. She also holds a leadership position in the Baptist Student Ministry at TWU. Learn more about her journey.
What’s Up with the CARES Act in 2021?
At the height of the economic crisis due to the pandemic, Texas Woman’s University was able to provide financial assistance to students through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Find out what that means for Spring 2021.
TWU Campus Store relocates to the Student Union at Hubbard Hall
The TWU Campus Store has temporarily relocated from Brackenridge Hall to the first floor of the Student Union at Hubbard Hall near the student art gallery.
TWU Student Health Services administers COVID-19 vaccine
Texas Woman’s University Student Health Services started the new year by administering its first COVID-19 vaccine to members of the TWU community on January 5.
New COVID-19 case manager seeks to help TWU students
Although TWU’s new COVID-19 case manager is a temporary, part-time position funded through CARES Act allocations, Chazmen Kidd, MSW, expects to make an impact in her new role.