The TWU Denton campus skyline with Stark and Guinn Hall in the background and students lounging on the green lawns.
Marketing & Communication

Marketing & Communication

Our Services

Have recruitment goals? Need help with a website or marketing materials? Need advertising services or help? We can help!

A TWU student is interviewed by a TV station for her outstanding accomplishments.

News & Media Services

We can help you get media coverage. Contact us to request feature stories on outstanding students, tell us about your research or submit an Op-Ed idea.

A screenshot of the TWU website home page.

Website Services

The web team can help update your web content and optimize your site's Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for recruitment purposes.

A screenshot of the TWU Instagram account.

Social Media Services

We can help guide you in deciding if you need social media and how to manage it. We can work with you on creating a social media strategy to be successful.

A TWU photo of a TWU billboard.

Ads & Paid Promotion Services

We can help you explore options for advertising and paid promotions for events, recruiting students, etc.

A magazine and TWU branded paper boat.

Creative Services

Our graphic design team can help with social media graphics, print pieces and more. Templates are also available for you to create your own pieces. 

TWU videographer films Oakley in a behind the scenes shot of a video shoot.

Photo & Video Services

Get access to TWU photos or request a photographer or videographer to take recruitment photos & video of your program or event.

Branding Resources

Download TWU's logo or request the use of a different logo layout. Read the set standards and rules for using TWU's logo and follow proper branding.

Check-out retractable banners, table drapes or event backdrops for your on and off-campus events or request recruitment items with TWU's logo to use as giveaways when recruiting students. Learn how to request items or order your own.

Our Goals

  • Establish and protect TWU's brand and ensure consistency
  • Support university-wide efforts to recruit and retain students
  • Increase TWU's visibility through media, social media, advertising, digital media and related collateral material
  • Maintain TWU's website with a focus on SEO impact and ADA compliance, as well as the priority on externally-focused webpages
  • Provide relevant and timely news and information to faculty and staff

Award-Winning Work

44th Annual Telly Awards Gold Winner badge


44th Annual Telly Awards Silver Winner badge


44th Annual Telly Awards Bronze Winner badge


29th Annual Communicator Award of Excellence Badge

29th Annual Communicator Award of Distinction Badge

Meet Our Team

Not sure where to start or who to contact for assistance? Contact us with your plans and goals to see how we can help.

Page last updated 11:34 AM, May 8, 2024