News & Events
Muchinka Peele: TWU student leads cause for change in Zambia
TWU PhD student Muchinka Peele (special education) is on a mission to help the people of Zambia. Traditionally in her home country, those with disabilities have been shamed and hidden. Education and advocacy are slowly changing these views, and Peele is leading the cause.
TWU dental hygiene students, faculty provide services in Peru
For the past three years, TWU dental hygiene clinical professor Leslie Koberna and her students have ventured to Guatemala, working in make-shift facilities and mobile dental units to treat and clean the teeth of orphans, school children and families who might not get these services elsewhere. Last month, Koberna took her students 2,000 miles further south to provide dental hygiene services to nearly 300 people in Lima, Peru, during an 11-day faculty-led education abroad experience.
Retired professor’s brainchild addresses SLP shortage
As attendees looked out over the sea of graduates this month, they saw a group of them wearing mortar boards adorned with feathers.
That was our students’ salute to retired TWU Associate Professor Allan Bird, who two decades ago received a Texas Education Agency grant for the unique program he created: a two-year distance-learning master’s degree.
Register now for TWU summer camps
Looking for educational and fun activities for your children this summer? Texas Woman's University provides a variety of camps for local children of all ages. Dance and theatre, writing, science and technology, sports and speech round out the offerings on the university's Denton campus.
Summer camp tackles rare childhood speech disorder
TWU is the only university in Texas to offer a special camp to help families overcome childhood apraxia, a neurological disorder affecting speech. NBC5 DFW aired a news story highlighting the positive impact our CHAMP Camp program has on young lives.