Leadership Development Opportunities


The Center for Student Leadership is committed to connecting students to a variety of internal and external resources to help them learn, lead and serve.

Resources to help you learn

Resources to help you lead

Explore the following Leadership Assessments:

Resources to help you serve

Video resources

4 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills | Brian Tracy
This video is how to improve leadership skills in four steps. Learning is a big part of what it is to be a leader, developing leadership qualities, knowing what you want to be as a leader and effective leader and doing more civic duties.

Why good leaders make you feel safe | Simon Sinek
What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it's someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety — especially in an uneven economy — means taking on big responsibility.

How to Establish Yourself as a Leader - 9 Leadership Tactics
Nine leadership tactics and skill sets are needed for leadership.

Be the Leader You Wish You Had | Simon Sinek
This video is about becoming the leader you wish you had. Exhibit the skills you wish you would have seen. To become a better leader you have to become better each day. Being a leader is challenging just like being a parent. Leadership is a lifestyle and requires a lifestyle change.

5 Different Types of Leadership Styles | Brian Tracy
The job of the leader is to get things done by leading others to success. This video shows 5 different leadership styles to inspire your team to deliver their peak performance.

The Best Leadership Development Strategy
What is the core of being a leader? Leaders are supposed to rally people to a better future. People need a way and a path that can be visualized. It’s not even frequent, strengths-based check-ins around near-term future work. It’s followers. Without followers, a leader is just another guy on the street. Listen in as Marcus describes what he believes the best Leadership Development strategy is.

My Leadership Development Plan
Seminar on what it takes to be an effective leader. This video talks about successful traits a leader has. The willingness to grow as a leader is important.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable | Luvvie Ajayi Jones
This video is about having uncomfortable conversations to make a change in leadership. Wanting change with hope that others will follow suit with a better understanding on how to speak up. 

How to Create an Effective Action Plan | Brian Tracy
Everyone has goals, but some people seem to be more successful than others in achieving them. That’s because people who accomplish goals at a higher rate are those who have developed a personal action plan. In this video, the speaker will share strategic planning skills so that can be used to create an action plan.


Throughout the year, The Center for Student Leadership hosts or provides information about workshops that address a variety of leadership topics. The workshops will be designed to help students develop the NACE career readiness competencies as well as develop skills associated with different leadership models, including The Relational Leadership Model examined in the book, Exploring Leadership for College Students Who Want to Make a Difference.

Book club

In 2022, The Center for Student Leadership will begin hosting a bi-weekly book club. A list of potential books will be identified by the Center and students will help select the book by providing input through a poll that will be posted through the Center’s social media pages and its e-newsletter.

Courses and certificates


The CSL recommends the following courses to develop some of the leadership and career readiness competencies identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Career Readiness Competencies and Association of American Colleges & Universities (AACU) essential learning outcomes:

  • Gender and Social Change
  • U.S. Women of Color
  • Oral Communication
  • Business Leadership Strategies
  • Professional Presentation Strategies
  • Diversity in Organizations
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution



Earn a Business Leadership Certificate through the College of Business. The certificate requires the completion of fifteen (15) upper-level semester credit hours.

Earn a global leadership certificate by either:

  • Participating in the Leadership in London study abroad trip
  • Completing the Global Inclusive Leadership Certificate
    • The Global Inclusive Leadership Certificate™, developed by Diversity Abroad, is a unique hybrid learning experience that prepares participants with inclusive leadership skills and global competencies so that they can thrive in their communities and on globally diverse campuses and work teams
    • The Center for Student Leadership may be able to cover a portion of the cost for Legacy Leaders and a limited number of other TWU students
    • Email loramalu@twu.edu if you are interested in pursuing this certificate

Earn certification as a Crucial Conversations facilitator by successfully completing a two-day certification training. The first offering will be held in February 2022. If interested, please email loramalu@twu.edu.

Leadership Development on campus

There are many leadership development opportunities on campus. The CSL encourages all students to explore new opportunities, including:

Page last updated 3:58 PM, April 22, 2024