Clifton Strengths Coaching

Find your strengths

CliftonStrengths for Students (formerly StrengthsQuest) helps students grow confident in who they are and how they can contribute to the world. It's an educational program that uses Gallup’s world-renowned CliftonStrengths assessment to measure 34 research-validated talent themes. It then guides the development of those talents into strengths with resources tailored for students.

More than 22 million people know what makes them unique and how their strengths shape their approach to work, decision-making, relationships and more.

The Center for Student Leadership offers free 1-on-1 Strengths Coaching Sessions (both in-person or over Zoom) for TWU students along with free access to the Top 5 Strengths Assessment.

Please reach out to Chris Scanlan.

Sign up for a Strengths Assessment & Coaching Session

Page last updated 12:21 PM, July 11, 2022