Student Life News

2021-2022 Parking Permits

Parking decals for the Denton and Dallas campuses will be available for purchase beginning Aug. 2 at


Reflection and celebration in store for Juneteenth at TWU

This year’s Juneteenth programming at Texas Woman’s, hosted by Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach, includes both a virtual and in-person option that honor the traditions of early celebrations.


Talking Student Affairs with Dr. Mendez-Grant at Texas Woman’s University

Cannon Design helped Texas Woman's reimagine our historic Hubbard Hall. Here they interview TWU's Monica Mendez-Grant, Ed.D., VP for Student Life and get her thoughts on the SUHH, diversity, accessibility and the future of higher ed.

FCC Broadband Benefit Program

Texas Woman's has learned that some students may be eligible for a new emergency broadband program through the Federal Communications Commission.

2021 Greek Award Recipients

Each year the Order of Omega Honor Society hosts and presents TWU's Greek awards. This year, the virtual recognition was announced on April 15.