Speakers Bureau

Need a speaker for your event, club or lecture? Check out TWU's Speakers Bureau, a pool of talented Texas Woman's alumni, faculty and staff who volunteer their time just for events like this.

Click on the button below to submit a speaker request form. We will do our best to accommodate your request based on speaker availability.

Join the Speakers Bureau

Are you interested in becoming a speaker? Do you want to share your expertise and knowledge with the Texas Woman's community? If so, click on the button below and complete the registration form.

Selections will depend on the event and topic demand. Once an opportunity becomes available, you will be notified by the Alumni Engagement team via email. Have any questions? See our FAQ or call the Alumni Engagement team at 940-898-2586.

Our Speakers Include:

Merrilee Kick

Merrilee Kick ’09, Founder & CEO of BuzzBallz/Southern Champion LLC, is an expert in marketing and entrepreneurship.

Michael Mayo

Michael Mayo ’88, President of Baptist Medical Center-Jacksonville, discussing healthcare administration on the TWU Dallas Campus in 2019.

Roxanne Vogel

Roxanne Gonzales-Vogel ’17 applied a novel pre-acclimation training and nutrition protocol to summit Mt. Everest in record-setting time.

Luis Rendon

Luis Rendon ’10 is a senior designer at the New York Post.

Page last updated 4:14 PM, November 6, 2020