Chapter Types

Interested in starting a new Chapter?

TWU has three types of chapters: geographic, professional and special interest. You may belong to as many chapters as you wish.

A woman walks in academic regalia during commencement while holding a baby.

Geographic Chapters

Geographic chapters are formal groups charted in geographical regions for alumni to connect with each other. Activities vary by area but often include happy hours or athletic events, educational programs and career networking. All alumni are encouraged to get involved with local alums in their area. New chapters can be formed at any time. 

Professional Chapters

Professional alumni chapters provide a means for alumni to reconnect with friends and colleagues within their professional and academic careers. The activities and programming of these chapters vary but often include mentoring programs between current students and alumni and networking events for alumni and students.

Alumni Affinity Groups

Alumni affinity groups provide a means for alumni to reconnect with friends and colleagues with similar background and educational interest. The activities and programming of these alumni chapters offer very similar programming to regional networking, including mentoring programs between current student and alumni and networking events for alumni and students. 

Chapters provide opportunities for networking, professional development and entertainment through educational, cultural, social and family programs.

  • Connect or reconnect with other alumni – offering opportunities to participate in Texas Woman’s University through an organized structure. Chapters and their activities assist Alumni Engagement to maintain communication links by providing alumni with university news, and updating addresses and information.
  • Social chapter – providing alumni a fun, relaxed atmosphere in which to connect through shared traditions, experiences and memories built while students.
  • Lifelong learning and educational programs – opportunities to come together for social and intellectual enrichment with industry speakers, lectures and workshops, and interacting with university faculty and staff.
  • Career assistance – established alumni can provide other alumni, new graduates and current students with invaluable guidance and support in their career development.
  • Positive visibility for Texas Woman’s University – enhancing Texas Woman’s image to alumni, family and community through strong alumni chapters. Chapters frequent media recognition helps strengthen the image and prestige of the university.
  • Student recruiting – enhancing university, college and/or departmental prestige by attending recruitment events such as college fairs, hosting informational receptions for prospective students, or for incoming freshmen to welcome them into the Texas Woman’s University family.

Establishing a Chapter

A new alumni chapter’s success depends on a group of dedicated and interested alumni. It takes their commitment to ensure the chapter’s strong organization and continuity. The Alumni Engagement office is eager to assist a group by establishing and maintaining a new chapter.

Chapter Officers

Term of Office

A term of office shall be set by the individual chapters but a two-year term is recommended with terms staggered to provide continuity on the leadership team. A further suggestion is that the chapter chair is elected in even-numbered years.

Nominating Committee Procedures

It shall be the responsibility of the membership/nominations committee to identify and select candidates for office who broadly represent all members of the chapter. It is the committee's responsibility to contact nominees and ascertain their willingness to serve before placing their names in nomination. All committee members must be members of the Alumni Chapter.

A chapter’s success depends upon its officers’ planning, interest and vision. All chapters are required to have officers with the terms of each position outlined in the chapter’s manual. All chapters must include as a minimum a Chapter Chair and at least 3-5 committee ambassadors. Other officers or committees may be appointed or elected as determined by the individual chapter. Job descriptions for these positions should be written by the individual chapter. Committees may include scholarship, telephone, program, hospitality and others as needed.

Chapter Chair 

  • Must be a graduate of Texas Woman’s University
  • Lead all general meetings
  • Appoint committees, and advise other officers and committee chairs
  • Delegate specific responsibilities to officers and committees
  • Delegate a note taker to record meeting minutes and permanent records of all chapter activities
  • Lead the overall operations and programs of the alumni group
  • Work closely with the committee to establish and achieve the group’s goals
  • Call meetings for the committee, recommend and direct the execution of policies and procedures, together with specific programs in the interest of the group
  • Maintain contact with the Assistant Director of Alumni Programs
  • Participate in annual Chapter Leaders Roundtable
  • Support Texas Woman’s with an annual gift to a fund of your choice. Participation is key. It’s not what you give, but that you give that matters most.

Committee Ambassadors

  • Oversee chapter activity in multiple committees
  • Assist in coordinating and directing committee activities and general operation
  • Notify Texas Woman’s Alumni Engagement office of address and contact updates
  • Assume other duties as assigned by the chapter ambassadors
  • Support Texas Woman’s with an annual gift to a fund of your choice. Participation is key. It’s not what you give, but that you give that matters most.


Alumni chapters should consider appointing committee chairs to cement volunteer involvement, and sustain interest and enthusiasm. The chapter’s size and range of activities will determine the number and type of committees needed. Committees that could be established include, but are not limited to:


Coordinates and plans chapter events in conjunction with the executive committee. The responsibilities of this committee include reservations, arrangements for program location, refreshments, decorations, speaker, and communicating details with chapter officers and members.


Develops and maintains active membership; assists in keeping accurate membership records; conducts membership drives; and assists Texas Woman’s Alumni Engagement office in updating its member records.

This committee also proposes a slate of leaders prior to the annual end-of-calendar meeting. Leadership by succession provides improved continuity and training for future ambassadors; competitive elections elevate by group consensus. In either option, it is vital to carefully select candidates willing to work for the chapter and familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the offices.


Handles event, program and election publicity. Prepares newsletters, if desired, and assists with notifying alumni of activities and answering inquiries. Provides Alumni Engagement information regarding the chapter and its members.

Other Committees
  • Student Recruitment
    • College fairs
    • Accepted student sendoff
  • Athletic Programs
    • Texas Woman’s game watching parties & tailgates at away, tournament & bowl games
    • Recreational leagues & professional sport outings
  • Intellectual, Cultural and Travel
    • Lectures with faculty, administrators, coaches & alumni
    • Personal enrichment classes & book clubs
    • Festival, museums, art gallery & performing arts tours
  • Community Service & Volunteer
    • Texas Woman’s The BIG Event
    • Volunteer leadership for Texas Woman’s – committees, committees & ambassadors 
Complete the New Chapter Request Form

Page last updated 5:14 PM, February 3, 2025