Speakers Bureau FAQ

What can I speak or present about?

Your expertise, relevant research, career experiences, or general insight as a TWU alumni. You will be asked to provide topic areas you can speak on in the registration form to help us create a list of topics and expertise across the group. You may always update these topics at a later date as needed.

How long will I be expected to speak or stay at an event?

This will depend on the type of event or speaking request. If you are on a panel, it could be for an hour but in broken up segments, or could simply be fifteen minutes for a student presentation before a professor’s lecture. No matter the time or style of presenting, you will be provided with details as we get event requests that fit your area of expertise.

Who will I be speaking to?

The audiences will vary depending on the event. Speaking events can include student organizations, lectures, community events, alumni functions, or organizations which TWU partners with. It could also be a virtual style speaking event as well.

Will it just be presenting?

No! As a Speakers Bureau volunteer, you may be asked to participate in panels, interviews, or lectures. The presentation style or need will be determined by the event creator.

How often will I be a speaker?

This will depend on demand. As a new program, the initial event numbers may be low so fewer speakers may be needed at first, but we hope to provide speaking opportunities across the spring and fall semesters.

Who else can participate in the Speakers Bureau?

TWU alumni, TWU faculty and staff.

How are speakers selected?

Speakers will be selected based on your area of expertise and topic summaries and the requested needs of events. Those requesting speakers will determine what topic or speaking format is needed therefore determining what speakers may be selected.

Will I get paid to speak as a member of the Speakers Bureau?

No. This is considered a volunteering opportunity in which all members will be asked to volunteer their time. No speaker should expect payment or reimbursement for speaking.

Have other questions?

Please email or call Alumni Engagement at alumniengagement@twu.edu or 940-898-2586 and we will be happy to provide further details as available.

Page last updated 12:22 PM, April 9, 2020