We recommend using Chrome when accessing Self-Service. You will register for courses during Registration, Regular Registration, or Late Registration using Student Self-Service & Planning.
- Student Self-Service & Planning Step-by-step instructions in a downloadable .pdf.
- Using Self-Service video guides:
*No registration is considered complete until all charges and fees are paid.
Summer and Fall 2025
Each Registration period begins at 7:00 a.m. on the day listed below, and as reflected in the academic calendar. Students who have logged in prior to 7:00 a.m. may encounter difficulty, as the registration system will not recognize your eligibility. For this reason, if you are registering for courses the day your academic level opens, log in to your Student Self-Service at or after 7:00 a.m.
Graduate Students and Special Populations | March 25, 2025 |
Seniors and Post Baccalaureates | March 27, 2025 |
Juniors | April 1, 2025 |
Sophomores | April 8, 2025 |
Continuing Freshmen | April 15, 2025 |
*IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Students should register online via Student Self-Service during registration. Late registration for long terms (Fall, Spring, Summer) ends at 3:00 p.m. on the 4th class day and late fees are incurred during this period. For shorter sessions (i.e., 7wk-1, 7wk-2, etc.) please review the Academic Calendar. Late fees are assessed.
- Review the Academic Calendar for the end date of Registration for each term. Registration will close at 3:00 p.m. on this date with a 6:00 p.m. payment deadline. Payments not received will result in the deletion of your class schedule.
- Late Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. on the first day of classes and, for long terms (Fall, Spring, Summer), ends at 3:00 p.m. on the 4th class day with a 6:00 p.m. payment deadline. For shorter sessions (i.e., 7wk-1, 7wk-2, etc.), please review the Academic Calendar for late registration dates and times. Additional fees are incurred. Payments not received will result in the deletion of your class schedule.
- No new registrations are allowed after the Late Registration period has ended; only adds to existing schedules will be considered. If you fail to register by the Late Registration deadline, you must wait until the following term to enroll.
Undergraduate Academic levels are determined as such:
- Freshman: 0 -29 cumulative credit hours completed
- Sophomore: 30-59 cumulative credit hours completed
- Junior: 60-89 cumulative credit hours completed
- 90+ cumulative credit hours completed
- Post Baccalaureate: Undergraduate degree completed, seeking a second undergraduate degree
Your current academic level is based on the number of cumulative completed credits at the start of the term. This does not include in-progress hours.
Any student who has not completed registration before the end of Regular Registration (as published in the academic calendar) will be considered a late registrant. All late registrations must be completed by 3:00 p.m. on the last day of late registration (as published in the academic calendar.)
*No registration is considered complete until all charges and fees are paid.
Students will be assessed a $50.00 fee for late registration.
- Fall and Spring, late registration begins at 10:00 a.m. the first day of classes and ends at 3:00 p.m. on the 4th day of class
- Fall and Spring 7wk-1 and 7-wk2, late registration ends at 5:00 p.m. of the second class day, as published in the academic calendar.
- Summer late registration begins at 10:00 a.m. the first day of classes and ends at 3:00 p.m. on the 2nd class day for the following sessions as published in the academic calendar:
- 3-wk
- 7-wk
- 5-wk1
- 6-wk
- 5-wk2
- Summer late registration begins at 10:00 a.m. the first day of classes and ends at 3:00 p.m. on the 4th class day for the following sessions as published in the academic calendar:
- 13-wk
- 10-wk
A $10.00 fee will be charged for student-initiated course drops or adds during late registration. (There is no additional charge for departmentally initiated drops or adds initiated to balance teaching loads.)
No new registrations are allowed after late registration closes.
What is the waitlist?
A waitlist is a list of students who have signed up to wait for a seat to open in a full class. If the course is full and the department has allowed a waitlist, you may join this queue. If a seat opens, you may receive permission to register for the course. There is no guarantee that a seat will become available to all students on the waitlist.
Who decides if a course has a waitlist?
The academic department that teaches the course determines whether or not there is a waitlist for a particular course. There is no guarantee all courses will have a waitlist.
How are the waitlists prioritized?
Waitlist priority is based first on class level (seniors receive priority over juniors, juniors receive priority over sophomores, etc.), second on if the course is required on the student’s current degree plan, and then lastly by order in which students selected the waitlist option.
*Please note that due to these priority levels, a student may find that their place on the waitlist changes if upper-level students and students with the course required on their degree plan (vs. a student whose current degree plan doesn’t require the course) are later added to the waitlist.
How will I know if/when I can register?
Once added to the waitlist, students are responsible for checking their TWU email every day for permission to register. The email notifications are sent around 10:00 a.m. and are only active until 10:00 a.m. the following weekday morning. If you do not register during your permission period, your permission will expire.
How do I register once I receive my permission email?
Log into your Student Self-Service, select Student Planning, then Plan Your Degree & Register for Classes. If you have permission to register, the "Drop Waitlist" button will now be a "Register" button on the left side of your plan. Select "Register" to register for the course.
What if my permission to register expires?
If you do not register within your permission period, their permission will expire, and the opportunity to register will pass to the next student on the waitlist. If desired, you can add yourself back to the waitlist. *You are not guaranteed the same position in the queue.
What if I'm waitlisted for one part of a co-requisite pair of classes?
Suppose you are waitlisted for a lab or lecture of a co-requisite pair for which both registrations must be completed simultaneously. In that case, you will not be able to register for the co-requisite until you have permission to register for the waitlisted section. When you log into your Self-Service to register, you must register for both simultaneously by using the register button at the top right of your screen.
Helpful information:
- It is the student's responsibility to check their TWU email daily.
- Students can manage their waitlisted courses through Self-Service.
- Be advised that waitlisted courses do not count as registered courses.
- Students who want to register for a closed course are urged to register for another section to avoid being shut out of the course entirely, particularly if one's financial aid award is dependent upon full-time enrollment.
- If a waitlisted course shows a seat available but does not allow you to register, you do not yet have permission. You may try again daily in Student Self-Service. Please also continue to check your TWU email each day for permission to register.
Drop for Non-Payment
Per Chapter 54, Section 54.007 of the Texas Education Code, students must pay in full all tuition and mandatory fees by the deadline set by the university and listed in the Academic Calendar.
As stated in the university catalog, full payment of tuition and fees is required prior to the beginning of each semester in accordance with published deadlines in the Academic Calendar. Accepted financial aid will be used to hold class schedules and make the required payment. Failure to pay will result in the deletion of all courses. Tuition and fee bills are not mailed to students but available online through Self Service>Student Finance>View/Print Registration Statement.
This process is managed by the Bursar’s Office. Please visit their website to learn more about paying for classes.
Payment Deadlines
- Registration: Students who register for courses between the first day of registration and the registration deadline are required to pay in full or sign up for an installment plan by the first payment deadline for the term listed on the academic calendar.
- Late registration: Students who register for courses during the late registration period are required to pay in full or sign up for an installment plan by the payment deadline listed on the academic calendar.
Multiple session enrollment
Students registered in multiple sessions within a single semester (i.e., 7wk-1, 7wk-2, long, 13wk, 5wk-2, etc.) are required to pay in full for all enrolled courses by the earliest session payment deadline. If, after full payment, you add a course in a later session you must make payment of the additional cost before the next posted payment deadline.
Dropped for non-payment
If you are dropped from your classes after the regular registration payment deadline, you may re-register for your classes during the late registration period. *Late registration fees will apply. You will be required to pay your full tuition by the late registration payment deadline. (6:00 p.m. on the last day of late registration.)
*Students are not guaranteed the same schedule they were enrolled in prior to being dropped.
If you are dropped from your classes after late registration, you may request reinstatement within one week of the date your schedule was deleted for the long term, or within two days for a shorter session course. Requests for reinstatement must be on a drop/add form and include the exact course and section of your previous enrollment. In addition, the course must have availability and not have met its cap. *Late registration fees will apply. You will be required to pay your full tuition immediately. Courses deleted again for non-payment will not be eligible for reinstatement.
Undergraduate Credit Hour Load
- Fall or Spring semester, an undergraduate may not enroll for more than 19 semester credit hours
- Summer, an undergraduate may not enroll for more than 17 semester credit hours.
*Exceptions require the approval of the department chairperson, program director, or associate dean. Exceptions will only be considered if additional coursework is in the best interest of the student, and the student is in good academic standing with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher for the previous two semesters.
The official university policy is available in the undergraduate catalog.
TWU Enrollment Status hours guideline
Undergraduate Students
Fall, Spring, Summer semesters:
- Full time: 12+ credit hours
- Half time: 6-11 credit hours
- Less than Half time: 1-5 credit hours
Graduate students:
Fall, Spring, Summer semesters:
- Full time: 9+ credit hours
- Half time: 5-8 credit hours
- Less than Half time: 1-4 credit hours
Dropping Courses or Term Withdrawal
Withdrawing from a term will remove a student from all courses within the selected term. It does not remove a student from the university.
Dropping a course, or courses means that you will remain in at least one other course for the duration of the same term. There is a $10.00 fee for any course dropped or added once late registration begins for the term. Prior to the end of late registration, a student may drop courses but not withdraw using Student Planning within Student Self-Service. *If enrolled in only one course for the term, you must submit a term withdrawal.
Please see the academic calendar for drop and withdrawal deadlines.
6 Unexcused Drops Rule for Undergraduates
The 6 Unexcused Drops Rule for Undergraduates states that undergraduates enrolling for the first time in Fall 2007 or later (at any Texas public higher education institution), are allowed only 6 unexcused drops during their undergraduate academic careers. Courses dropped before the census day (see Academic Calendar) do not count against the 6 course drop rule. Term withdrawals do not count toward the 6-drop rule.
*It is not the responsibility of the University to initiate dropping students from their courses.
Please refer to our Dropping Courses or Withdrawing page for additional information on how to initiate a drop or a withdrawal, refunds, drop and withdrawal grades, and canceling a drop or withdrawal request.
If you are a Veteran attending TWU, you can provide the Veterans' Office a copy of your DD214 to take advantage of Veterans’ priority registration during the Registration period, even if you are not currently utilizing VA or Hazlewood benefits. If you have any questions, please contact the TWU VA representative, Alex Alvarado, at 940.898.3069.
Please also visit our Veterans and Military Resources page for more information.
Register for classes through Student Self-Service.
Preferred Browsers
Student Self-Service works best in Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Registration To-Do List requirement
Before registering, students must complete a series of state or institutional-mandated acknowledgments. Notice that these requirements are due will appear on your Student Self-Service home page. These actions work best in Chrome or Microsoft Edge. *If you encounter difficulties with the Address and Emergency Contact update, please log into your WebAdvisor and complete the action using the link under User Account titled "Address and Emergency Contact Change."
Please note these items reset frequently. If you are attempting to register for courses and the Register button (or drop button if you're trying to drop a course) is grayed out, please check your to-do list. Complete any items listed as due, then try again to complete your registration action.
Co-requisite courses
If you are attempting to register for a co-requisite pair of courses (i.e., ZOOL 2011 and ZOOL 2013, Human A&P I) you must register for the courses simultaneously. Once the lab and lecture are planned, click the "Register" button in the upper right region above your schedule.
Because sections fill quickly, please register early. If the section you want is closed (full), check for availability in another section. If all sections are closed, please check for availability frequently through the registration period.
Suppose you are retaking only one part of a co-requisite pair because you have previously passed either the lab or the lecture (i.e., passed the lab, retaking the lecture). In that case, you must have permission from the academic department to register for the course. You will complete the Drop/Add form and submit it to the academic department. If approved, they will send the form and specify their approval to the Registrar's Office. The Registrar's Office will then register you for the approved section. Once completed, you will be able to see the class in your schedule in Self-Service.
Prerequisites for registration
If you are registering for a course with a prerequisite and took the prerequisite course at another college or university, you must contact your advisor. Your advisor will review your academic record to determine if the transferred course is equivalent to the prerequisite at TWU. If approved, they may submit a prerequisite waiver to the Registrar's Office. Once the Registrar's Office receives and applies the waiver, you will be able to register yourself for the course.
If you are registering for a course that has a prerequisite you took at TWU, you should be able to register once the grade for the prerequisite is posted and reflects that you successfully completed the course.
Restricted courses
If you are registering for a course with restricted entry, you must obtain the course code from your academic advisor.
Registration Holds
All restrictions and holds must be resolved before registration actions can be completed. *Since most holds can only be released by the department that implemented them, you must contact that office to resolve any holds.
Form Submission
If you need to submit a drop/add form to the Registrar's Office, it must be submitted from your TWU email address to
Program closure due to inactivity
If you are an undergraduate who has not attended for a period of one year, or a graduate student who has not attended for a period of two years, your program will be closed due to inactivity. If you wish to return to TWU, you must reapply through ApplyTexas. Once re-accepted, you will be able to proceed with conferring with an advisor and registering for courses.
Page last updated 4:51 PM, January 22, 2025