Transcript Requests

Our lobby hours at the Denton campus are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


  • An official transcript will not be processed unless all outstanding obligations, including past financial balances to Texas Woman’s University, are cleared
  • A transcript may be requested only by the student to whom the academic record belongs.
  • During peak times, the processing of transcript requests may take up to 3-5 business days.
  • Certain academic records prior to 1980 that are stored solely on microfilm may require an additional 3-5 business days for processing.
  • Transcripts requested via mail will not be processed without the student's signature.
  • Currently enrolled courses will be reflected on the transcript without grades.
  • Only Texas Woman’s University coursework is reflected on the official transcript. Only a summary of transfer hours is included on the official TWU transcript. Transcripts containing the official academic record from other institutions must be ordered from the original institution.
  • Multiple transcripts to be sent to the same recipient will be packaged in a large envelope but will be individually sealed inside.
  • In accordance with the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, student-written authorization is required to release transcripts.
  • If your transcript has not been received within 10 business days after mailing from our office, please contact our office to have your transcript resent. We will resend only one transcript free of charge. Any request to resend a transcript must be made within 3 months of the initial mailing date.
  • Only the following address information can be altered when requesting a resend: attention, building, room, or suite number. Transcripts cannot be resent to a completely different address or location.
  • If ordered online through Parchment, please contact Parchment at 847-716-3005.
  • If ordered by mail or in person, please contact the Registrar's Office at 940-898-3036. 
  • Transcript requests will only be accepted online, through the mail, or in person. No faxed, emailed, or phone requests will be accepted. Requests to be paid with a credit card may only be made using the online ordering system through Parchment.

If you are sending a proxy to pick up your order, that person will need to have a signed authorization from you and a photo ID to identify that she/he is the person you name specifically in the authorization.

Online requests

Texas Woman's University has retained Parchment to accept transcript orders over the internet. 

Current and former students without access to Student Self-Service may:

Current students may also order official transcripts through Student Self-Service as well as view their unofficial transcript.

*Certain academic records prior to 1980 stored solely on microfilm may require an additional 3-5 business days for processing.

Advantages of ordering transcripts online with this system:

  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to submit orders and check on the status of orders
  • Expedites your order
  • Payment is processed at the time your order is placed. 
  • Easy address look-up with a pull-down menu of many colleges and universities
  • Facilitates the authorization to release student records as required by law
  • A confirmation email and/or text message sent when the transcript order is complete
  • Users can access additional support utilizing the resources provided by Parchment

Electronic PDF transcripts

Both current and former students can order an official electronic PDF version of their transcript through Parchment using the link in the online request section of this page.

Please first check to see if the school is in the List of Schools in Network [pdf] to send an electronic PDF version of your transcript. If the school is in-network, select ‘College or University' in the recipient portion of the ordering process. 

To send the PDF transcript to yourself, a non-network school, or another individual, please select ‘Myself’ or ‘Other” in the recipient portion of the ordering process. You must enter a mailing address before inputting the email address of where the transcript will be sent.

  • Texas Woman’s University has appointed Parchment as the designated agent for processing and sending official electronic transcripts on behalf of TWU. The PDF transcript produced using this service contains the identical information as the printed transcript. It can be certified as unaltered by uploading the file to the company’s website provided during the delivery process. Parchment has been granted the authority to deliver all such electronic transcript requests on behalf of Texas Woman’s University and respond to any inquiries regarding the transactions.

In-Person transcript pickup or mailed requests

Our lobby hours at the Denton campus are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Students are able to request their transcript in person at the Denton Registrar's Office for immediate pick-up. We do not currently have the option to request in person at the Dallas and Houston campuses. Payment options for in-person requests are credit card, check or cash at the time of the request.

For mailed-in requests, please print and complete the Official Transcript Request Form [pdf], and send your payment to the address below. Please note that a $30 fee will be charged for all returned checks. Transcripts will be available for pick-up or mailed within 48 hours of receiving the request unless the request contains instructions to hold for special postings. During peak times, the processing of transcript requests may take up to 3-5 business days. If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Transcript Office at

Transcript Department
Office of the Registrar
P.O. Box 425409
Denton, TX 76204-5409


Unofficial transcripts

Both former and current students may request a printed unofficial transcript by completing the Unofficial Transcript Request Form [pdf]. Current students may also view their unofficial transcript through Student Planning. Please complete the form and email it to or fax it to 940-898-3444. ONLY unofficial transcripts may be requested via fax or email.

Page last updated 5:13 PM, August 16, 2024