Publications and Grants
Mary Anderson, PhD
External grants
Continuation, Welch Foundation grant (B-1985-20190330): “Hydridic Activation of Methane”, PI, with Dr. T.R. Cundari.
- NIH AREA R15GM086833: “Subunit Interactions and Functions in Allosteric Enzymes: Glutathione Synthetase”, PI; $206,282; 01-01-2009 to 12-31-2011 total costs
- NSF CHE-0820845: MRI (major research instrumentation): Acquisition of a Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer”, co-Investigator (R. Sheardy, PI), 8-01-2008 to 7-31-2009; $122,515.
Internal grants
“TWU Research Enhancement Award: Does glutathione modify its own biosynthetic enzymes”, $10,000; 9/1/2021 to 8/31/2022, Co-PI with Dr. Heather Conrad-Webb.
“Teaching and Research Grant for Equipment: Purchase of high-pressure cell lysis equipment”, $30,000; 10/2020, PI, Co-PI with Dr. Yunxiang Li.
- “Modulator Protein of Glutathione Synthetase”, co-I with H. Conrad-Webb, 9-10 to 8-11, $8000.
- “Making a Good Enzyme Better: New and Improved Glutathione Synthetase”, Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Grant, 2750, 1-2009 to 8-2009, $2750, co-I with H. Conrad-Webb.
- “Making a Better Glutathione Synthetase”, REP, $5000, 09-01-2009 to 08-31-2010, co-I with H. Conrad-Webb.
- “Protein-Protein Interactions in Glutathione Synthetase”, Faculty Research Enhancement Program grant, $8000, 9-01-2008 to 08-31-2009, PI
- “Exploration of the Dimer Interface of human Glutathione Synthetase”, College of Arts and Sciences, Research Development Funds, $1740, 1-2008 to 8-2008; PI
- “GAS Loops of Human Glutathione Synthetase”, College of Arts and Sciences, Research Development Funds, $2500, 1-2007 to 8-2007; PI
- “Are Random Coils Important for Glutathione Synthetase?”, New Faculty Research Grant, $6000, 1-2006 to 8-2006, PI
- “Function of G Loop of Glutathione Synthetase”, New Faculty Research Grant, $6000 1/05-8/05, PI
- “Biochemical Analysis of Glutathione Synthetase in 5-Oxoprolinuria”, New Faculty Research Enhancement Award, $6000, 1/04-8/04; PI
Mark Britt, PhD
- “Calculation and Analysis of Enzyme Bimodal Stability Curves from Novel Applications of Differential Scanning Calorimetry” from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, $50,000, Sept. 1, 2005 – August 31, 2008
- “Construction and Analysis of Aqueous Enzyme Phase Diagrams” from the THECB ARP, $74,298, May 1, 2008 – April 30, 2010
Cynthia Maguire, MS
- Co-Principal Investigator for two National Center for Science and Civic Engagement awards of $8000 each for the SENCER Center for Innovation-Southwest, 2015-2016 with dr. Richard Sheardy and 2016-2017 with Dr. Nasrin MirsalehKohan.
- Principal Investigator for a National Center for Science and Civic Engagement Post-Institute Implementation Sub-Award following SENCER Summer Institute 2013; $3000 funding provided from the National Science Foundation (award period is Dec 2013-Dec 2015).
- "Expanding SENCER at Texas Woman's University" National Center for Science and Civic Engagement Post-Institute Implementation Sub-Award following SENCER Summer Institute 2008; funding provided from the National Science Foundation; $3000, 12/1/2009 to 11/30/2011, PI.
Nasrin Mirsaleh-Kohan, PhD
NSF INCLUDES Planning Grant: Transcending Barriers for Success", $99,786; 01/2021-04/2022, Co-PI.
Manal Rawashdeh-Omary, PhD
- DARPA Young Faculty Award, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency –Microsystems Technology Office (DARPA-MTO)
- TWU – Research Enhancement Program (REP)
Richard Sheardy, PhD
The Robert A. Welch Foundation, Basic Chemical Research at Texas Woman’s University, $135,000; 06/01/20-5/31/2022 (funded).
- The Welch Foundation, $105,000, Departmental Grant for Research. 7/1/2017-6/30/2020, PI.
- Environmental Protection Agency, $15,000, Developing Sustainable Pollinator Gardens for Habitat, Water Conservation and Education. 10/01/16 – 9/30/17, PI with Co-PIs Cynthia Maguire, Jeff Robb and Camelia Maier
- Welch Foundation: “Departmental Grant for Research”, $35,000. 7/1/2010-6/30/2011.
- TWU Academic Council Targeted Research Fund: “Research on the Structure and Stability of DNA Quadruplexes”, $10,832. 1/1/2011-12/30/2011.
- National Science Foundation MRI: “Acquisition of a Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer”, $122,500. 10/1/2008 – 9/30/2011. (Britt and Anderson, Co-PIs) - funded.
- Welch Foundation: “Departmental Research Grant”, $90,000, 6/1/2007-5/31/2010. (Departmental grant) - funded.
Page last updated 6:06 PM, September 1, 2021