Women’s Leadership Grant Program

The Women’s Leadership Grant Program provides funds for TWU faculty and staff on all three campuses to conduct projects that help women advance their leadership skills and experience. The program also is creating a repository of research and information about women’s leadership.

In 2020-2021, the institute funded 30 projects for almost one million dollars, and for 2021-2022, it has already approved funding for 40 projects totaling $2.7 million.

Programs that have been created:

The STEM Leadership Program, developed with the College of Arts and Sciences, is an extensive online course for students, faculty, staff, and alumni that provides leadership training modules and reflection activities with emphasis on topics such as identity, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence and personal vision in order for women to persist in STEM careers. The first cohort completed the course in fall 2021 and are now working on leadership projects they designed and implemented.

The College of Business’ TWU Bold LeadHERship Roundtable, created in partnership with the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce, is a six-month cohort program to prepare women leaders of color to lead with purpose and authenticity as they blaze paths for diversity, inclusion and equity in their companies. The 19 participants this spring will discuss ways to own their voice, project confidence, rise above barriers, accelerate their career and help other diverse women advance in organizations. At the end of the program in August, the participants will have a peer advisory board consisting of members of the cohort and develop a Personal Leadership Advancement Plan for the next three years. The institute also sponsored the TWU Bold LeadHERship Speaker Series in fall 2021, which created dialogue about the opportunities and challenges for women in leadership. The series was open to all women managers and executives as well as TWU students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends.

The College of Health Sciences’ Minerva’s Cafe Leadership Development Workshops, held last summer, featured experts in the nutrition and food industries who provided information on how to become successful leaders. Plans are underway to create a test kitchen on campus as well for students and alumni to have a place to test recipes for their budding entrepreneurial businesses.

The College of Nursing’s Mentorship of Emerging Leaders in Academic Nursing program, which launched in fall 2021, uses leadership principles that cross multiple disciplines to provide faculty new to the academic environment with a better understanding and integration of their roles, means for success and tools to excel. The result is better prepared faculty, which means better teachers and an improved student experience for our nursing students. In addition, Dean Rosalie Mainous will be discussing the success of the program in her presentation, "Infusing Leadership Competencies into Faculty Mentorship Programming" at the International Nursing Research Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, in July 2022.

The College of Professional Education (COPE) created the COPE Emerging Leaders program to develop and strengthen participants’ leadership skills through a series of workshops that encourage interaction, inclusion, networking and teamwork. It also promotes the development of critical thinking and confidence, the study of equity, inclusion, social justice, and diversity, and the continuation of graduate studies. This program perfectly aligns with the 60x30TX initiative, which seeks to increase student success and strives for 60 percent of the 25- to 34-year-old Texas population to hold a certificate or degree by 2030.

Page last updated 8:34 AM, March 14, 2024