Chelsy Mani, a TWU honors student, in academic regalia during commencement.
Honors Programs

Honors Programs

The Honors Scholar Program and Touchstone Honors Program are being redesigned.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 940-898-2337.

Texas Woman's is proud to offer two unique honors programs, Honors Scholar Program and Touchstone Honors Program. The honors experience at TWU includes:

An honors graduate with her family at commencement.
  • A tight-knit community of support and friends. Attend honors events on and off campus to make friends and form study groups. Find your TWU family among your peers and unlimited support from honors faculty and staff. 
  • Early registration. All TWU honors students receive early registration privileges for classes. Never miss out on the classes you need.
  • You are more than your GPA at Texas Woman's. Honors faculty and staff care about more than just your grades and scholarly achievements. We strive to support you in and out of the classroom to help you achieve your dreams.
  • Mentoring. A faculty mentor also will advise you in your studies and work with you on special projects that you may eventually present or publish.
  • An advantage when applying to jobs and graduate school. Graduating from an honors program sets you apart from your peers in the increasingly competitive job market and graduate school applications.
  • Travel abroad opportunities. Join us on a short-term faculty-led travel abroad trip held every January. Parents and family are invited to travel with us.
  • Low or no student debt. All students accepted into an honors program receive a scholarship. More than half of TWU honors students graduate with no debt. The average student debt for honors students is under $10,000.
Emily Willis smiles outdoors in a European city.

You can really tell that all of the faculty truly want you to succeed. They are so willing to do what it takes to make sure that each honors student is comfortable and feels like they have their own place at TWU and in the program. They go above and beyond to take care of their students.

Emily Willis (BS '23)

Contact Us

In response to COVID-19 and for the safety of our current students and staff we are not scheduling any in-person visits right now. You can still contact us with any questions at honors@twu.edu940-898-2337 or complete the form below.

Page last updated 10:28 AM, June 3, 2024