Travel Abroad Trips
Every January, TWU Honors hosts a travel abroad trip to a European destination. In partnership with a travel abroad class, students earn three hours of honors credit while studying the art, history, culture and literature of the destination.
This tour is led by an experienced EF (Education First) tour director with experience traveling all of the countries we visit and who speaks several languages.
Honors students also are able to bring family and guests on travel abroad experiences.
Trip Funding
Our students use a number of different methods to fund their trip, but the most accessible is the Education Abroad Scholarship. All students pay into this fund with their student fees, so we always encourage them to seek assistance with this scholarship. Our students have received scholarship amounts up to $1,500, funding almost half of their trip!
As an honors student, I traveled to Europe one semester. I was raised by a single mother, so traveling overseas was never a dream of mine. Thanks to the honors program, I discovered the possibilities of travel and the beauty of it.
Everywhere we've been
Previous destinations have included countries such as France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, and Ireland. Check out everywhere we have been since 2005:
Our Travel Memories
Page last updated 11:47 AM, October 6, 2021