Resources for Parents
Your student’s transition to the TWU campus environment can be an exciting time that often brings a wide range of feelings for students and their parents. The CAPS staff is available to consult with parents and students about this transition.
Prepare Your Student for Changes
We encourage you to talk with your student about their college transition. Topics to cover with your student include:
- How, when, and how frequently will you and your student communicate
- How to seek help early from faculty and staff, before issues become emergencies
- How to manage money
- How to manage time
- How to communicate with roommates about conflicts
- Expectations regarding alcohol, drugs, and sex
- Preparation for feeling lonely, homesick, scared, nervous, excited, and overwhelmed
Helping Your Student Access Resources
As with any transition, there is a normal period of adjustment to college. In some cases, this adjustment period may last as long as 6 months to a year. However, if you notice over time that your student is struggling (e.g., academically, socially, or emotionally), you may consider encouraging them to seek support at CAPS. Due to confidentiality laws, we will be unable to confirm or deny their use of CAPS services without their written permission. Even if your student chooses not to provide their therapist permission to provide information to you, you are welcome to share your concerns in cases where you feel it might be helpful (e.g., concern your student is considering harming themselves).
If you are unclear on what campus resources might be best for your student, feel free to give us a call and we will be glad to point you in the right direction. Here are a few that might prove helpful:
Pioneer Center for Student Excellence
Disability Services for Students
Campus Alliance for Resource Education (CARE)
Page last updated 12:13 PM, June 6, 2024