Single Session Therapy
What is single session therapy (SST)?
- A one-time only, goal-oriented, solution-focused session that will provide you with helpful strategies to improve a particular situation or goal.
- Sessions are 40-50 minutes long and confidential.
- This modality of therapy may be a good fit if:
- You have a good understanding of what your issue or concern is, but you need help developing a game plan of specific, actionable steps.
- You are facing a difficult problem, dilemma, or conflict and need help making a decision or gaining tangible coping skills to help manage your emotions.
- You are generally an action-oriented person and are looking for solutions/skills you can implement now.
- The following are some examples of topics that may be appropriate for single session therapy:
- Academic concerns - Guidance on having a conversation with your professor; gaining coping skills for test anxiety or speaking/presenting in front of others
- Stress management - Gaining distress tolerance skills to help manage emotions during an uncomfortable and/or unavoidable situation
- Minor relationship concerns - Learning tools to help set boundaries and communicate more effectively
Who is eligible for single session therapy?
- Currently enrolled students who are NOT currently in ongoing individual therapy at CAPS.
- At this time, CAPS may be able to accommodate only one Single Session Therapy appointment per student per academic year.
- CAPS reserves the right to determine if we have adequate resources and expertise to address your particular treatment needs. If your needs cannot adequately or ethically be met by CAPS, we will work collaboratively with you to secure an appropriate referral.
What is the cost for services?
- Fees for services are already included in students’ previously paid fees. No additional charges are incurred for therapy services.
How do I schedule an appointment for single session therapy?
- Call or stop by the TWU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) on the Denton campus and ask to be scheduled for a single session therapy appointment.
Page last updated 11:54 AM, June 6, 2024