News and Successes

Grant gives boost to company that helps make patients whole again

Colette Shrader has forged a 10-year career of helping people feel whole again.

Through her San Antonio-based company, Personalized Prosthetics, Shrader derives great reward in helping people regain self confidence after being fitted with a replacement nose, eye, ear or small body part.

Grant is solution for green cleaning business

For Angela McCall, jumping into the cleaning business 28 years ago was a learn-as-you-go experience that caused high anxiety and sleepless nights.

Through the years of overseeing her Plano-based Maid Brigade house-cleaning franchise, she has endured the peaks and valleys of business ownership. But there has been nothing quite like the COVID-19 crisis to test her mettle.

Grant gives lift to staffing firm

Eureka Pinkney considers herself a people person.

That trait was a principal factor in the positions she held in administration and management at UT Southwestern Medical Center for nearly 20 years.

And it’s a trait that she’ll be able to share with many more people, thanks to a $10,000 grant from Texas Woman’s University that is helping small businesses recover from the COVID-19 crisis.

Grant restores optimistic outlook for restaurateur

Mitzi Bella has been living her dream of restaurant ownership.

For 14 years, she and her family have owned and operated El Querreque, a friendly restaurant that had become a mainstay in the heart of one of Laredo’s most thriving business districts. After the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the restaurant teetered on the brink of solvency until a lifeline was thrown from a center at Texas Woman’s University that helps small businesses.

Center awards $1 million in grants to businesses hurt by COVID-19

The Center for Women Entrepreneurs at Texas Woman’s University has awarded $1 million in grants to women-owned small businesses in Texas that suffered financial losses associated with the coronavirus pandemic.