Services for Students

Students walking on campus

Like many students, you may encounter academic, social or emotional struggles at some point during your time at TWU. Students may avoid seeking services due to stigma or concerns that asking for help means they are “weak.” On the contrary, recognizing and acknowledging that you may need some extra support is the first step in solving any difficulty. Many students utilize CAPS services every year and come from a wide range of diverse backgrounds and present with a variety of concerns. Examples of some common issues students bring to therapy include:

  • Relationship struggles
  • Low self-confidence
  • Sexual concerns
  • Grief and loss
  • Identity confusion
  • Healing from traumatic experiences
  • Test anxiety
  • Depression, anxiety, and other mental health diagnoses

If you find yourself struggling, please do not hesitate to give us a call. As mental health professionals, we are here to support you. We typically receive a higher number of requests for services during the second half of the Fall and Spring semesters, thus we encourage you to seek help early. By doing so, you increase your chances for an academically and personally successful semester.

Page last updated 11:53 AM, June 6, 2024