Withdrawal Information
Withdrawing from Current Term
Withdrawing is the process of dis-enrolling from all of your classes within a term. It is different from dropping a course(s). Dropping is the process of reducing your course load by one or more courses while remaining enrolled in at least one course during a term. When submitted before the census date for the term (see term academic calendar), dropped courses/withdrawals will not be reflected on the transcript. From that date forward, withdrawal and drops completed by the drop/withdrawal deadline for the term (see term academic calendar) will result in a “W” grade.
You cannot ‘drop’ your last class. If you are enrolled in only one class and wish to dis-enroll from it, you MUST submit a withdrawal form or select the withdraw option in the Pioneer Portal online system. See Registrar's Office for more information about dropping a course(s).
If you are requesting to dis-enroll for the current term, initiate your request using the online withdrawal request (use Google Chrome or Internet Explorer). If you have difficulties accessing the online withdrawal request system, please the Registrar's Office at registrar@twu.edu.
*If you intend to remain in at least one course, you must use the drop request.
*Students are strongly encouraged to reach out to their academic advisor before pursuing a term withdrawal request as well as the following as needed:
- Financial aid recipients should contact the Financial Aid Office to determine how the change will affect their current aid and eligibility for future aid. For example, a student may be required to repay part or all of the financial aid funds received during the semester.
- International students should contact International Student & Scholar Services so that the office can explain how the process may affect immigration status.
- You are advised to contact the Bursar's Office if you owe fees or loans to the University.
- If you live on campus, you must contact Housing & Dining to make arrangements for vacating your room.
Late Drops and Withdrawals
A student may petition for a late withdrawal when an incapacitating circumstance (medical condition or extenuating circumstance) impedes their ability to withdraw by the term deadline and to complete some or all courses in the term. Incapacitating circumstances may include a serious physical or mental health condition or extenuating life circumstance, such as the serious illness or death of a family member, which would reasonably impede a student’s academic functioning in the current term. To be considered, petitions must be accompanied by official third-party documentation of the circumstance. Approved petitions result in “W” grades for the indicated courses or semester but do not result in any refund. Therefore, students are encouraged to explore other options, such as incomplete grades, before petitioning for a late drop or withdrawal. Once an incomplete grade is assigned in a course, however, students are no longer eligible to petition for late drop.
After Deadline Petitions:
Petitions for a Late Withdrawal: Withdrawal from all courses within a given term after the deadline and after the end of the term. After the published deadline appeals are initiated through the Dean of Students. Petitions should be submitted to the Dean of Students (withdrawals@twu.edu) no later than 5 p.m. on the last day of class up to two semesters beyond the term from which they are seeking to withdraw. *Summer is counted as one term and includes courses in all attended sessions.
To initiate a late withdrawal either from the current term or a prior term, complete the online TWU Withdrawal Form. If you are unable to access the online form, please contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance.
The primary purpose of these petitions is to offer a pathway to drop or withdraw for students who have experienced an incapacitating circumstance that would have reasonably prevented them from dropping/withdrawing by the term deadline or which occurred after the term deadline. This policy is not intended to be used as a mechanism to avoid failing grades or the removal from an academic program due to unsatisfactory performance. Withdrawals approved under this policy will be effective the date the completed petition was submitted to Student Life and will not be backdated to an earlier date in the term. Because they do not yield any refund or special designation on the transcript, late petitions will only be considered after the last date in the term to drop or withdraw, which is outlined in the academic calendar for the term. Questions about the withdrawal process may be directed to the Dean of Students Office.
Financial and Academic Implications
Before finalizing any plan to drop or withdraw from classes, students are strongly encouraged to consider potential impacts to their academic standing, financial aid, visa status, and bill. Consultations with relevant offices such as Academic Advising, Financial Aid, Housing & Dining, International Education, and Bursar are strongly encouraged. Withdrawals and drops approved through this process will not result in any refund. Refunds of tuition and fees are done in accordance with the refund schedule outlined in Texas Education Code 54.006 and the academic calendar for the term. The student is responsible for the payment of any outstanding bills to the university, including but not limited to, tuition, fees, housing, parking, and other expenses.
Late Drop/Withdrawal Petition
Before the drop/withdrawal deadline for the term, students may drop or withdraw for any reason and need not submit a petition. However, when a serious health condition, injury or other extenuating life circumstance impedes a student’s ability to function academically and to drop or withdraw before the deadline for the term, or begins after the drop/withdrawal deadline, students may submit a petition using the online TWU Withdrawal Form for late withdrawals. Students will need to complete all portions of the form including:
- A brief narrative written by the student describing the condition/situation and how it impeded academic functioning and ability to drop/withdraw by term deadline; late drop requests must also include an explanation of the unique impact of the condition/circumstance on functioning in the course or courses the student is requesting to drop.
- Supporting documentation from an official third party (regarding the extenuating circumstance) or treating health care provider (regarding the medical condition) on their official letterhead which includes:
- A description of the type and nature of the circumstance/medical condition
- Date the circumstance or condition began, as well as the most recent treatment for it (if medical), and
- How the circumstance/condition impeded student’s academic functioning and ability to drop/withdraw by term deadline. Medical drop requests must include an explanation of the unique impact the condition has on functioning in the particular courses the student is requesting to drop.
Petitions for late drops/withdrawals are due to the Office of Student Life no later than 5 p.m. on the last class day of the current semester. Petitions not received by this deadline may not be considered.
Retroactive Withdrawal Petition
Students are expected to withdraw during the semester in which they are enrolled. When the semester is over, the record on that semester is closed. However, a student who has experienced an incapacitating health condition, injury, or extraordinary extenuating circumstance that would have reasonably prevented them from withdrawing or submitting a petition for late withdrawal during the term in which they were enrolled may petition for a retroactive withdrawal up to two semesters beyond the term from which they are seeking to withdraw. Retroactive course drops will not be considered. Retroactive Withdrawal Petitions should be submitted to the Dean of Students Office using the online TWU Withdrawal Form no later than 5 p.m. on the last day of class up to two semesters beyond the term from which they are seeking to withdraw. Summer is counted as one term. Petitions should include:
- A brief narrative describing the incapacitating circumstance that prevented the student from withdrawing during the semester from which they are seeking to withdraw.
- Supporting documentation on the official letterhead of a health care provider (regarding the incapacitating health condition) or other credentialed professional (regarding the extraordinary extenuating circumstance), which verifies the incapacitating nature and the date it began.
Petition Review Process
Students should submit complete petition information as they will be reviewed once by the Assistant Vice President/Dean of Students, in consultation with other student life personnel as needed. Students may submit one appeal of that decision, which will be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Life and the AVP/Dean of Students.
Before finalizing any plan to drop or withdraw from classes:
- Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their academic advisor.
- Financial aid recipients should contact the Financial Aid Office to determine how the change will affect their current aid and eligibility for future aid. For example, a student may be required to repay part or all of the financial aid funds received during the semester.
- International students should contact International Student & Scholar Services so that the office can explain how the process may affect immigration status.
- You are advised to contact the Bursar's Office if you owe fees or loans to the University.
- If you live on campus, you are advised to contact Housing & Dining to make arrangements for vacating your room
- If you have questions about the withdrawal process, please contact the Office of Student Life.
Withdrawal Refund Policy
Students who withdraw from the University receive a refund of a percentage of their tuition as defined by Texas Education Code 54.5006 for any term enrolled. The percentage varies according to the student’s effective withdrawal date. Refund policies are established by, and are subject to change by, the Legislature of the State of Texas and are applicable to complete withdrawals. To review the specific dates associated with the below-referenced withdrawal date refund percentages, see the Academic Calendar for term details.
The chart below outlines the refund schedule of applicable tuition and fees when a student withdraws from the 16-week session in the term (dis-enrolling from all courses such that they will have 0 credit hours). Students who are dropping courses (dis-enrolling from one or more but not all not all courses) should refer to the Academic Calendar for the term for information about the last date to drop and receive a refund for the amount of the course. See the Texas Education Code 54.5006 for the complete withdrawal refund schedule for all sessions in the term.
Official Withdrawal Date | Percentage Refund |
Up to the close of the regular registration period for the term | 100% |
During the first five class days | 80% |
During the second five class days | 70% |
During the third five class days | 50% |
During the fourth five class days | 25% |
After the fourth five class days | none |
A student who elects to pay their tuition on the installment plan and then withdraws from the University may still owe a portion of the tuition and fees. Likewise, a student who defers their tuition to financial aid and withdraws before the aid disburses may be responsible for a portion of the tuition. A hold will be placed on the student's record until all financial obligations are met.
A student who withdraws as a result of being called to active military service may choose to receive a tuition refund as defined by TWU policy.
A student who withdraws after receiving a financial aid refund may be required to return all or a portion of the refund to the university as a result of federal and state regulations with regard to financial aid awards. Students receiving financial aid should contact the Office of Financial Aid prior to withdrawing or dropping courses to see if aid will be adjusted.
Page last updated 10:16 AM, January 14, 2025