News and Events


Online Orientation Webinars

  • Monday, Aug. 12, 2024 (Fall 2024 admits)

SLIS Director Gretchen Hoffman, PhD, will walk you through the basics essential for a successful start and answer your questions.

Webinar information


In the News: Sylvia Vardell

Sylvia Vardell (SLIS) chaired the American Library Association’s 2020 Children’s Literature Legacy Award committee, which presented the award to author Kevin Henkes.


Touchet receives 2019 Barnett Service Award

Michelle Touchet was named the recipient of the TWU SLIS Ann Barnett Service Award for 2019.

Stone, Porflit receive 2019 S. Janice Kee Continuing Education Awards

Julia Porflit and Aleya Stone are the recipients of the TWU SLIS 2019 S. Janice Kee Continuing Education Awards.

SLIS to be well represented at TLA conference

Faculty, students and alumni from the Texas Woman's University School of Library and Information Studies will present or facilitate a total of 53 programs at the 2019 Texas Library Association Annual Conference April 15-18 at the Austin Convention Center.

Elkins interviewed on possible screen time damage to adolescent brains

Aaron Elkins, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Studies, is quoted in an interview with a popular Houston talk radio station on a story about the damage screen time may have on an adolescent’s brain.