
TWU's Graham publishes op-ed in Fort Worth Weekly

Celeste Graham, mother, high school special education teacher and PhD candidate in Texas Woman’s University's department of social sciences and historical studies, published a column, "The Factual Retelling of History Is the Greatest Tool that Activists and Advocates Have," with the Fort Worth Weekly.

Class keeps history alive and accessible

TWU's Bibliography and Research Methods class is a course in preserving history, and it just completed a successful test run with the creation of the digital exhibit "Moments of Inscription: the Lives of Women Through Their Letters."

Author to hold publishing seminar

Author Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam will hold a seminar on getting published on Oct. 18, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the TWU Student Union at Hubbard Hall auditorium. The event is sponsored by the TWU department of Language, Culture, and Gender Studies. The seminar will be followed by a question-and-answer session, and Stufflebeam will sign copies of her novella, Glorious Fiends.

Studying in Greece was everything TWU's Huggins imagined

School has been back in session for a month and everyone is getting back into the daily classroom routine, shaking off the last daydreams of summer. It's been easier for some than others.

Not everyone met and was then separated from the great passion of their life.

"I really miss hearing Greek people in the background," TWU senior Riley-Grace Huggins said. "I miss that a lot. I had a FaceTime call with a friend over there, and she was speaking Greek to her mom. I almost cried. I miss it."

"It's not about the film, it's about the dialogue"

Spencer Wilkinson is not preaching to the choir.

It would be easy to dismiss Wilkinson's documentary, Alice Street, as just another socially conscious rant about gentrification, giving vent to a community's spleen. But the award-winning Alice Street is not a fist-shaking protest film, and Wilkinson has far greater ambitions than stirring up anger, regardless of how valid that anger may be.

Because Alice Street is a discussion piece.