Headlines & Publications
Ram inks story on occupational therapy intervention
TWU's Sue Ram penned an article, "Occupational therapy intervention and psychosocial considerations in the care of youth with secondary encopresis" for the American Occupational Therapy Association.
Ernst talks about AI on NPR
First-Year Composition triumphs over adversity
In fall 2019, Jackie Hoermann-Elliott was completing her first year at Texas Woman's University when her mentor died, the university shut down and her program struggled. Four years later, Hoermann-Elliott has led First-Year Composition to the highest honor her community can bestow.
WTLP offers Write to Change the World workshop
TWU's Women’s Thought Leadership Program is offering up to 30 members of the TWU, Denton, Dallas and Houston communities the opportunity to take part in a private, virtual “Write to Change the World” workshop.
Thought leadership, press freedom to be discussed Oct. 19
The TWU Women's Thought Leadership Program and the Quality Enhancement Plan will host "Thought Leadership and the Global Media Landscape" on Thursday, Oct. 19, in the Administrative and Conference Tower room 301.