2022 News Releases

Center announces women entrepreneur grant winners

The Center for Women Entrepreneurs (CWE) at Texas Woman’s University has selected 25 female entrepreneurs to receive $5,000 awards through its StartHER Grant Program, part of an ongoing effort to boost women-owned businesses in Texas.

Boldly You author to appear at TWU

Janet T. Phan, author of Boldly You, will be on the Texas Woman's University campus for two leadership and personal development sessions Nov. 3-4.

TWU exhibit hall touting women leaders to open Sept. 23

A women’s leadership hall featuring digital and interactive exhibits that focus on the contributions of Texas historical figures such as Gov. Ann Richards, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, among others, is slated to open to the public on Sept. 23.

Center for Women Entrepreneurs to offer new round of innovation grants

Women-owned businesses in Texas can apply for a new round of StartHER Grants beginning Sept. 22. Texas Woman’s University’s Center for Women Entrepreneurs (CWE) began the grant program to encourage women business owners — current or aspiring — to take on new and innovative projects. Grant winners will be announced Nov. 1.

Partnering with women-owned businesses

Center for Women Entrepreneurs Director Tracy Irby discusses the amazing partnerships the center has and the opportunities available for women business owners.