News and Successes

The difference between nonprofit and for-profit business

Center for Women Entrepreneurs Director Tracy Irby discusses the difference between nonprofit and for-profit business.


Center for Women Entrepreneurs announces new round of grants for women veterans

The Center for Women Entrepreneurs (CWE) at Texas Woman’s University will be accepting submissions for its Veteran Woman Entrepreneur Grant program, which supports women veterans in Texas who own their own businesses or are interested in launching one, starting on Monday, April 25, 2022.

Recognizing women’s entrepreneurial contributions during Women’s History Month

Center for Women Entrepreneurs Director Tracy Irby discusses the tremendous contributions that women have made to our nation.

The importance of registering a business

Center for Women Entrepreneurs Director Tracy Irby discusses the advantages of registering your business.

Want to keep your customers? Offer excellent service

Center for Women Entrepreneurs Director Tracy Irby discusses the importance of good customer service and tips for achieving it.