Former TWU math, computer science chair Rose Marie Smith had high impact
Rose Marie O'Brien Smith, Texas Woman's University alumna, former chair of TWU's Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, professor emerita and for whom a scholarship for student teachers was named, passed away on Sept. 15, 2023.
TWU grad student attends Green Chemistry School
TWU graduate student Raven Gallenstein was one of sixty students selected to attend the Green Chemistry Summer School, hosted by the American Chemistry Association and held in Golden, Colo., last summer.
TWU joining race to return to the moon
NASA has awarded TWU and the University of North Texas a three-year, $900,000 grant, part of a $14 million program with 19 colleges and universities "to participate in critical spaceflight research and prepare a new generation of diverse students for careers in the nation's science, technology, engineering, and math workforce," NASA explained.
Lyda Hill Philanthropies awards grant to expand STEM pathways at TWU
Collaboration with Dallas College, North Central Texas College, Tarrant County College will encourage students to pursue four-year STEM degrees.
Trio represents TWU at American Society for Virology conference
Juliet Spencer, PhD and director of the School of the Sciences, and graduate students Erica Garcia and Kiran Tajuddin represented Texas Woman's University at ASV2023, the American Society for Virology’s annual conference in Athens, GA.