Apply and Audition

If you are interested in pursuing a music degree at Texas Woman’s University, you need to complete 1) a TWU application via Apply Texas, 2) an Acceptd audition application, and 3) an entrance audition, which includes a placement examination.

You also may choose to compete for scholarships available to new and transferring music students each year. These are awarded based on musical excellence as verified through your entrance audition and placement examination, and supported by teacher recommendations.

3-Step Application Process

Step 1: Apply to TWU via Apply Texas

Step 2: Complete the TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd along with any degree-specific criteria

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Step 3: Audition

2024-25 Audition Dates

Applications for each audition day will close at 11:59pm on the Friday one week prior to the date. 

November 16, 2024 (for Spring 2025 admission only)
February 1, 2025 
March 1, 2025
April 12, 2025


  • All Musical Theatre applicants must submit pre-screening recordings and a resume before they are invited for an on-campus audition. 
    • The pre-screening recording requirements include:
      • A performance resume
      • Two memorized songs from the musical theatre canon (one should be a ballad and one should be up-tempo)
      • One memorized monologue
      • One sung ascending and descending a cappella scale in a key and on a syllable of your choice
    • Please submit your musical selections and monologue via YouTube links on this form 
    • Applicants will be informed of their callback status within 72 hours of pre-screening submission
    • Further details regarding next steps and the audition schedule will be sent with your invitation to attend the callback
  • Audition requirements for applicants to the undergraduate Music Education, Music Performance, Music Therapy, and Liberal Arts - Music programs, as well as our graduate Music Performance and Music Pedagogy programs, include: 
    • Singers (for all programs except Musical Theatre) should memorize two contrasting pieces from vocal literature of the classical genre.
    • Instrumentalists should prepare two selections from the standard repertoire for your instrument. Percussionists should prepare a keyboard and concert snare drum selection.
    • Pianists should perform pieces representing at least two different style periods (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century).
  • Graduate Music Therapy (or Equivalency) and Music Education programs are not required to audition, but may do so to be considered for performance based scholarships. Graduate Music Performance and Pedagogy applicants must successfully complete the audition process in order to be admitted to the program.

Participate in a placement evaluation

  • All First-Time in College (FTIC) and Transfer applicants to our Performance, Music Education, Music Therapy, and Liberal Arts - Music programs will complete music theory/sight-singing exams as part of their audition. Study materials for the transfer placement exams are below:
  • All First-Time in College (FTIC) and Transfer applicants to our Musical Theatre program will be automatically placed in our introductory music theory/aural skills class, Fundamentals of Music. If you have prior experience and/or coursework in music theory or aural skills, you may choose to take a placement exam. You must opt-in for the exam on your Acceptd application.

Music Therapy applicants:

  • Undergraduate Applicants: Individuals interested in a career in music therapy will also meet individually with one of the music therapy faculty, learn more about the program, and ask any questions.
  • Master’s Equivalency Applicants: Individuals interested in a career in music therapy will meet individually with one of the music therapy faculty. Interested students will engage in an interview and demonstrate music skills with a music therapy faculty member. Students will perform TWO songs, each from a different genre of music. At least one piece of music should be you accompanying yourself vocally with a chosen instrument. Both pieces of music should be non-classical.
  • Master of Music Therapy Applicants: Individuals interested in pursuing the advanced degree of MMT will meet individually with one of the music therapy faculty. During this interview, students will share two live and contrasting songs and discuss goals, context, and other relevant rationale surrounding songs. Applicants should come prepared to discuss their career goals, insights about themselves, and music skills using piano/voice and guitar/voice. Music performed should be non-classical and highlight your clinical musicianship.


For additional information about our application, audition or placement process, contact our office at or at 940-898-4572.

If you are a graduate student interested in applying for a graduate assistantship, visit our graduate assistantships page to apply or learn more.

Page last updated 1:22 PM, March 21, 2025