Apply and Audition
If you are interested in pursuing a music degree at Texas Woman’s University, you need to complete 1) a TWU application via Apply Texas, 2) an Acceptd audition application, and 3) an entrance audition, which includes a placement examination.
You also may choose to compete for scholarships available to new and transferring music students each year. These are awarded based on musical excellence as verified through your entrance audition and placement examination, and supported by teacher recommendations.
3-Step Application Process
Step 1: Apply to TWU via Apply Texas
When you apply to TWU, we will evaluate your academic achievement and preparation, as well as your standardized test scores. Admission to TWU is valid for four terms, unless you have attended another higher education institution.
Check out the links below for specific admissions information:
- How to apply
- Freshman Student Admissions
- Transfer Student Admissions
- International Student Admissions
- Other Types of Undergraduate Admissions
Questions about the admissions process? Contact the Office of Admissions Processing.
Office of Admissions
Texas Woman’s University
P.O. Box 425649
Denton, TX 76204-5649
940-898-3076 or 1-866-809-6130 ext. 3076
Begin by reviewing your program's website to see if there are additional admission requirements and application deadlines prior to applying.
- Apply online.
Apply to Graduate Programs via the TWU Online Graduate Application Portal following instructions below. - Submit transcripts to TWU.
- Domestic Applicants must submit official transcripts for each college or university attended, both undergraduate and graduate. See the Information on Transcripts website for more details. Original transcripts for each college/university attended must be submitted, even if referred to on another schools transcripts.
- International Applicants are now required to provide an evaluation prepared by a NACES or AICE member evaluation service. International transcripts should not be sent directly to TWU. See the International Admissions website for more details.
- Submit Recommendation Requests
If your program requires you to submit names for recommendations you will need to do it in the application. List of programs-majors. - Pay the application fee.
The $50 fee ($75 fee for International applicants), which applies to all new and returning applicants, can be paid by:- Credit card - Pay Online through the application as the last step before submitting the application. The second portion of the application will not be available until the application fee has been received.
- Fee Waivers - Graduate applicants who are certified McNair Scholars are eligible for a McNair Scholar Application Fee Waiver. TWU Alumni may be eligible for the Alumni Advantage Fee Waiver. Check your eligibility here: If eligible submit the request using the Application Fee Waiver Submission
- Following fee payment return to the application dashboard where supplemental application documents can be uploaded. The online application will list which documents are needed to fulfill the program admission requirements. You can also check the program's website.
- Submit Program supplemental documents
- Submit all program specific materials such as: Resume, Statement of Purpose, Artist or Research Statement, Scholarly Writing Sample, Custom Essay, Portfolio Document, Video Submission, Licensure, Department Specific Application, Teaching Service Record, Teaching Certificate, etc. following submission of your application fee.
Watch for emails from your new program/department that may come to your TWU email address.
For more information or assistance with the application or graduate admissions, visit the Graduate Admissions website.
Students who wish to apply for a Graduate Assistantship must meet the General Criteria for Appointment of Graduate Assistants.
Step 2: Complete the TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd along with any degree-specific criteria
Undergraduate Programs
All applicants must meet the general undergraduate admission requirements.
In addition, applicants must:
- Fill out the online TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd.
- A letter of recommendation from your current private teacher or ensemble director will be required for each application. The letter must be received prior to your audition date and must be submitted by the letter writer through the Acceptd platform.
- Audition and participate in a placement evaluation.
- Meet individually with one of the music therapy faculty, learn more about the program, and ask any questions.
You also may choose to compete for scholarships that are available to new and transferring music students each year. These are awarded based on musical excellence, as verified through your entrance audition and placement examination, and supported by teacher recommendations.
Please visit the TWU Music Auditions website for audition dates, area-specific audition criteria, and a Step-by-Step Guide to admission into music degree programs.
All applicants must meet the general undergraduate admission requirements.
In addition, applicants must:
- Fill out the online TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd.
- A letter of recommendation from your current private teacher or ensemble director will be required for each application. The letter must be received prior to your audition date and must be submitted by the letter writer through the Acceptd platform.
- Audition and participate in a placement evaluation.
You also may choose to compete for scholarships that are available to new and transferring music students each year. These are awarded based on musical excellence, as verified through your entrance audition and placement examination, and supported by teacher recommendations.
Please visit the TWU Music Auditions website for audition dates, area-specific audition criteria, and a Step-by-Step Guide to admission into music degree programs.
Teacher Certification
Application Deadlines
There are three application periods per year (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Students must have their applications in by the deadline the semester before they intend to take ECE 3223 (EC-3 only), EDUC 3003, EDUC 3482, or READ 4223 (EC-3 only). (see schedule below).
Spring Application Deadlines* (Admission to the EDUC 3000s Summer)
- May 1 - Deadline to apply for Summer admission
- May 31 - Deadline for Transfer Grades, Grade Changes, or Any Other Requirement
Summer Application Deadlines (Admission to the EDUC 3000s Fall)
- July 1 - Deadline to apply for Fall admission
- July 31 - Deadline for Transfer Grades, Grade Changes, or Any Other Requirement
Fall Application Deadlines* (Admission to the EDUC 3000s Spring)
- December 1 - Deadline to apply for Spring admission
- December 21 - Deadline for Transfer Grades, Grade Changes, or Any Other Requirement
Please adhere to the following guidelines:
- We recommend preparing your application well in advance of the deadline. That way you will be able to identify and resolve any potential issues before the deadline date.
- If you intend to register early for ECE 3223 (EC-3 only), EDUC 3003, EDUC 3482, or READ 4223 (EC-3 only) for the Summer or Fall semesters and have met all admission requirements, it is recommended that you apply to the EPP by December 1.
- If you apply for admission to the Educator Preparation Program while enrolled in EDUC 2003 or are taking coursework to increase your GPA to a 2.75, the Office of Educator Preparation Services will process your application. If the GPA requirement, along with all other admission requirements are met at the end of the semester, an admission decision will be made at that time.
- No late applications will be accepted. If the deadline date falls on a weekend or a day that TWU is closed, applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on the next day that TWU is open after the deadline day.
In addition to the general undergraduate admissions requirements, to obtain acceptance into the undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (and prior to taking ECE 3223 (EC-3 only), EDUC 3003, EDUC 3482, EDUC 4113, EDUC 4243, READ 4223 (EC-3 only), and Clinical Student Teaching) students must have:
- A cumulative GPA of 2.75 (includes all courses, whether posted to TWU transcript or used on a degree plan. Excludes developmental and repeated courses);
- Demonstrated basic skills in reading, written communication, and mathematics by meeting the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative;
- A minimum of 12 to 15 semester credit hours in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought;
- Completed EDUC 2003 with a C or higher;
- Completed department application for admission to the Educator Preparation Program in Tk20;
- Completed the Digital Literacy Pre-assessment;
- Submitted a non-refundable Texas Education Agency Fee;
- Completed a Commitment Contract acknowledging awareness and understanding of the Professional Dispositions Policy and Educators’ Code of Ethics;
- Successfully completed a pre-admission departmental interview with an interview panel; and
- Acknowledged and accepted admission to the Educator Preparation Program.
Please note:
- All accepted students must maintain the admission requirements to remain in the TWU Education Preparation Program.
- Admission requirements are determined by Texas Education Agency policies and are subject to change without notice.
- Students seeking Bilingual certification must meet minimum proficiency in Spanish.
- Students seeking Deaf/Hard of Hearing certification must meet minimum proficiency in sign.
All admission decisions are based on the successful completion of the above requirements. Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor other than a minor traffic violation may affect certification. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Texas Education Agency. Any previous or current issues of academic dishonesty, disruptive behavior, or professional dispositions infractions at TWU, another university, or another Educator Preparation Program may result in denial of admission. Any decision may be appealed by contacting the Office of Educator Preparation Services at 940-898-2829.
Contact the Office of Educator Preparation Services (OEPS) at or 940-898-2829 with any questions.
All applicants must meet the general undergraduate admission requirements.
In addition, applicants must submit pre-screening recordings and a resume before they are invited for an on-campus audition. Musical Theatre applicants should not attempt to submit an Acceptd application until receiving instructions based upon the result of their pre-screening material submission. Additional details regarding the on-campus audition will be provided upon notification of your invitation to the callback. Contact for more information.
All applicants must meet the general undergraduate admission requirements.
In addition, applicants must:
- Fill out the online TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd.
- A letter of recommendation from your current private teacher or ensemble director will be required for each application. The letter must be received prior to your audition date and must be submitted by the letter writer through the Acceptd platform.
- Audition and participate in a placement evaluation.
You also may choose to compete for scholarships that are available to new and transferring music students each year. These are awarded based on musical excellence, as verified through your entrance audition and placement examination, and supported by teacher recommendations.
Please visit the TWU Music Auditions website for audition dates, area-specific audition criteria, and a Step-by-Step Guide to admission into music degree programs.
All applicants must meet the general undergraduate admission requirements.
In addition, applicants must:
- Fill out the online TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd.
- A letter of recommendation from your current private teacher or ensemble director will be required for each application. The letter must be received prior to your audition date and must be submitted by the letter writer through the Acceptd platform.
- Audition and participate in a placement evaluation.
You also may choose to compete for scholarships that are available to new and transferring music students each year. These are awarded based on musical excellence, as verified through your entrance audition and placement examination, and supported by teacher recommendations.
Please visit the TWU Music Auditions website for audition dates, area-specific audition criteria, and a Step-by-Step Guide to admission into music degree programs.
Graduate Programs
Program Contact
Dr. Pamela Youngblood
Application Deadlines
No deadline, rolling admission
Admission Requirements
- Bachelor's degree in Music Therapy
- Master's Equivalency Option: Students with a bachelor's degree in music (in an area other than music therapy) may be granted provisional admittance with the stipulation that they complete all equivalency coursework and clinical experience to become eligible for board certification by the Certification Board for Music Therapists.
- Statement of Purpose
- Resume or CV
- Email addresses for two individuals familiar with your academic, professional, and musical capabilities, who can provide letters of recommendation to be requested through and submitted into the application
- Interview with the Music Therapy faculty
- Master's Equivalency Applicants will be asked to demonstrate musical skills with a music therapy faculty member. Students should prepare two songs, each from a different genre of music. At least one piece should be you accompanying yourself vocally with a chosen instrument. Both pieces should be non-classical.
- Master of Music Therapy Applicants will share two live and contrasting songs and discuss goals, context, and other relevant rationale surrounding songs. Applicants should come prepared to discuss their career goals, insights about themselves, and musical skills using piano/voice and guitar/voice. Music performed should be non-classical and should highlight your clinical musicianship.
Additionally, if the applicant wishes to be considered for performance-based scholarships:
- Fill out the online TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd.
- A letter of recommendation from your current private teacher or ensemble director will be required for each application. The letter must be received prior to your audition date and must be submitted by the letter writer through the Acceptd platform.
- Audition on the primary instrument.
Program Contact
Dr. Pamela Youngblood
Application Deadlines
No deadline, rolling admission
Admission Requirements
- Completed TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd
- As part of the Acceptd application, you will be asked to provide an email address for your current private teacher or ensemble director who is familiar with your academic and musical capabilities.
- Audition (to be scheduled upon receipt of your application)
Program Contact
Dr. Pamela Youngblood
Application Deadlines
No deadline, rolling admission
Admission Requirements
- Applicants will be asked to provide email addresses for two individuals familiar with their academic and musical capabilities
Step 3: Audition
2024-25 Audition Dates
Applications for each audition day will close at 11:59pm on the Friday one week prior to the date.
November 16, 2024 (for Spring 2025 admission only)
February 1, 2025
March 1, 2025
April 12, 2025
- All Musical Theatre applicants must submit pre-screening recordings and a resume before they are invited for an on-campus audition.
- The pre-screening recording requirements include:
- A performance resume
- Two memorized songs from the musical theatre canon (one should be a ballad and one should be up-tempo)
- One memorized monologue
- One sung ascending and descending a cappella scale in a key and on a syllable of your choice
- Please submit your musical selections and monologue via YouTube links on this form
- Applicants will be informed of their callback status within 72 hours of pre-screening submission
- Further details regarding next steps and the audition schedule will be sent with your invitation to attend the callback
- The pre-screening recording requirements include:
- Audition requirements for applicants to the undergraduate Music Education, Music Performance, Music Therapy, and Liberal Arts - Music programs, as well as our graduate Music Performance and Music Pedagogy programs, include:
- Singers (for all programs except Musical Theatre) should memorize two contrasting pieces from vocal literature of the classical genre.
- Instrumentalists should prepare two selections from the standard repertoire for your instrument. Percussionists should prepare a keyboard and concert snare drum selection.
- Pianists should perform pieces representing at least two different style periods (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century).
- Graduate Music Therapy (or Equivalency) and Music Education programs are not required to audition, but may do so to be considered for performance based scholarships. Graduate Music Performance and Pedagogy applicants must successfully complete the audition process in order to be admitted to the program.
Participate in a placement evaluation
- All First-Time in College (FTIC) and Transfer applicants to our Performance, Music Education, Music Therapy, and Liberal Arts - Music programs will complete music theory/sight-singing exams as part of their audition. Study materials for the transfer placement exams are below:
- Review our Transfer Theory Placement Exam Guide (pdf).
- All First-Time in College (FTIC) and Transfer applicants to our Musical Theatre program will be automatically placed in our introductory music theory/aural skills class, Fundamentals of Music. If you have prior experience and/or coursework in music theory or aural skills, you may choose to take a placement exam. You must opt-in for the exam on your Acceptd application.
Music Therapy applicants:
- Undergraduate Applicants: Individuals interested in a career in music therapy will also meet individually with one of the music therapy faculty, learn more about the program, and ask any questions.
- Master’s Equivalency Applicants: Individuals interested in a career in music therapy will meet individually with one of the music therapy faculty. Interested students will engage in an interview and demonstrate music skills with a music therapy faculty member. Students will perform TWO songs, each from a different genre of music. At least one piece of music should be you accompanying yourself vocally with a chosen instrument. Both pieces of music should be non-classical.
- Master of Music Therapy Applicants: Individuals interested in pursuing the advanced degree of MMT will meet individually with one of the music therapy faculty. During this interview, students will share two live and contrasting songs and discuss goals, context, and other relevant rationale surrounding songs. Applicants should come prepared to discuss their career goals, insights about themselves, and music skills using piano/voice and guitar/voice. Music performed should be non-classical and highlight your clinical musicianship.
For additional information about our application, audition or placement process, contact our office at or at 940-898-4572.
If you are a graduate student interested in applying for a graduate assistantship, visit our graduate assistantships page to apply or learn more.
Page last updated 1:22 PM, March 21, 2025