Hot Work

Long exposure, sparks, welding.

"Hot work" includes cutting, brazing, welding, soldering, grinding, and any other operation that involves the production of heat, sparks, or flames. All TWU employees, students, and outside contractors/service companies involved in the use of spark or flame-producing equipment at any TWU facility are required to conform to the requirements of the TWU Hot Work Program.

The primary requirement for hot work is the completion of a Hot Work Permit and meeting all of the safety requirements listed on the permit.

Certain areas at TWU facilities are designated as "hot work" areas by EH&S, and a permit is not required for these areas as long as the appropriate safety conditions are maintained. The currently designated hot work areas are listed below:

  • FMC Central Plant Welding Shop
  • FMC Automotive Shop
  • Sculpture Welding Shop in Fine Arts Building
  • Laboratories (approved only for use of lab-type equipment, such as Bunsen burners)

For questions, please contact EH&S at 940-898-4001, option 3, or email

Hot Work Permit Request

Page last updated 4:27 PM, May 17, 2023