
This image shows a man descending stairs in an Evac+Chair.


TWU has Evac+Chairs in several buildings to help individuals with mobility impairments be rescued during an evacuation. Emergency personnel are the intended operators of these chairs, therefore use of Evac+Chairs by TWU employees is generally discouraged. Typically, the quickest way to help individuals with mobility impairments is to assist them to an enclosed stairwell, call 911 to report their location, and continue evacuating the building. Emergency personnel have a fast response time to campus and are properly trained for these circumstances. They will often arrive and evacuate the individual faster and safer than non-emergency personnel can using an Evac+Chair.

Despite not being the primary intended user of Evac+Chairs, employees can be trained to use Evac+Chairs to prepare for an emergency. The training is available through Risk Management by emailing risk@twu.edu.


Evac+Chairs are usually located on a stairwell landing; however, not every stairwell landing has an Evac+Chair. See the Evacuation Chair Locations document for a list of locations.


Please keep in mind that Evac+Chairs have limitations. They cannot travel up stairs, and the chairs can only handle up to 300 lbs. Additionally, the person operating the chair should weigh the same or more than the passenger; help may be required for heavier passengers.

Be Prepared

Individuals with mobility impairments should be informed of where “Areas of Evacuation Assistance” are located. Usually, this will be an enclosed staircase landing.

Generally, individuals with mobility impairments should be assisted to these areas, then emergency personnel should immediately be informed of that individual’s location. Emergency personnel will make rescue of these individuals a priority.

Prepare yourself by knowing where enclosed staircases are, where Evac+Chairs are, and how to accurately describe where locations are inside of the building.

Page last updated 11:26 AM, June 9, 2022