
This is my personal life

Brenna Petersen, a junior theatre major at TWU, has been in or around theatre most of her life and is closing in on 20 shows on her resume. Coming off co-starring in TWU's season-opening play, The Effect, she's rehearsing for a Shakespearean-era play, The Children of the Queen's Writ. Petersen is also currently in Scrooge! The Musical for the North Texas Performing Arts. For that production, she's assistant director. And costume coordinator.

Doesn't leave much time for a personal life. She laughs at that.

"This is my personal life," Petersen said.

DanceMakers meets India

Experimentation is not unknown to DanceMakers, the Texas Woman's University division of Dance's fall concert. This year's show, however, is going cross-culture and cross-campus.

It's as complicated a recipe as it sounds. Start with the south Indian dance Bharatanatyam, sprinkle with ballet and Sanskrit drama, add a little genetic sequencing, mix with a dancer from Tacoma, Washington, and you have Shakuntala's Plea.

TWU inaugurates Jeff Robb Outdoor Classroom

Texas Woman's University celebrated one of the people most responsible for TWU's butterfly garden when it held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate the Jeff Robb Outdoor Classroom. The outdoor classroom is named in honor of Jeff Robb, TWU legal studies professor, lifetime lepidopterist and initiator of the butterfly garden. Robb passed away in 2017.

Holiday festival returns to TWU

After a three-year pandemic-related hiatus, a holiday celebration returns to the Texas Woman's University's campus on Dec. 6, 2022. The five divisions of TWU's School of Arts & Design – dance, fashion, music, theatre, and visual arts – are joining forces to create the Circle of Light, an art-themed festival in and around Pioneer Circle between the Visual Arts Building and the Music Building. The Circle of Light will begin at 6 p.m. and is open to the public.

Tickets on sale for TWU theatre world premiere

Tickets are on sale for The Children of the Queen's Writ, a world premiere play that is the second production of Texas Woman's University's division of theatre's 2022-23 season.