Faculty and Staff Awards
The College of Arts and Sciences wishes to recognize the outstanding contributions of its faculty and staff in teaching, scholarship and service.
Each spring faculty and staff may nominate CAS colleagues for the awards listed below. A faculty award selection committee, appointed by the Dean and consisting of one faculty member from each school and department within the College, reviews nominations and makes recommendations to the Dean. Awards are presented at the CAS Fall Forum the week prior to fall semester classes.
Excellence in Teaching
There are two awards for teaching excellence:
Full-time faculty: for tenured, tenure-track, clinical or lecturer faculty members who have complete two years of employment at TWU.
Adjunct faculty: for adjunct faculty members who have complete two semesters of employment at TWU.
Nominations should explain how the faculty member excels through teaching:
- Implementing innovative teaching methods or assignments
- Incorporating experiential learning into courses
- Creating a classroom culture of belonging
- Designing a new course or updating the curriculum in innovative ways
Excellence in Scholarship
For distinction in scholarship. Full-time faculty members who have completed two years of employment at TWU are eligible.
The faculty member may exhibit scholarship excellence through one or more of the following:
- International or national recognitions for scholarship
- External grants
- Juried exhibits or concerts
- Patents
- Publications
- Professional presentations
- Other creative activities
Excellence in Service
For extraordinary service and/or leadership within the College, the University, the civic community and/or a professional organization. Full-time faculty members who have completed at least two years of employment at TWU are eligible.
CAS Distinguished Staff Service Award
Presented to a staff member who exhibits dedicated and extraordinary service to their academic unit, the College, and/or the University. Full-time staff members who have completed two years of employment at TWU are eligible.
Page last updated 9:13 AM, May 1, 2024