BSW Spring Honors & Awards
Department of Social Work 2020-2021 Graduates
Fall 2020 BSW Graduates
Getsebereket Moges Aredo
Alondra Anai De Lira
Victoria Esquivel
Krystal Aide Fierro^
Julieta Figueroa
Madison Frissell^^
Giselle Galax^^
Jasmin Contreras Garcia^
Melissa Gregory^^
TyNesha Jackson
Regina Juarez^^^
Omotayo Oyediran
Xiomara Guadalupe Rios^
Danielle Kiara Rogers
Heather Sartin
Johanna Taylor
Reyna Maria Zarate^
Spring 2021 BSW Graduates
Karla Alejos^^
Leslie Victoria Almanza^
Rosa Alonso
Erica Robin Bruening^
Hannah Carney^
Melissa Chavez
Alicia Mercado Garcia*
Daisy Gonzalez
Alba Iris Ibarra*^
Alejandra Ibarra
Elise Johnson
Madeline N. Matheny^
Taliah Mahasion McGhee^
Ashley N. Mendoza^^
Maria Alejandra Puche Montealegre
Tiffany Ngeny^
Sara Caitlin Orndorff
Ashley Elizabeth Pryor^^^
Mariah Audrey Rocha
Angela Shibu^^
Van iang Hlei Sung
Meeval Lisa Thomas
Summer 2021 BSW Graduates
Allyson Brooke Colvin
Audrey Lauren Easterling^
Laura Stefanie Lopez
Julie Anne Matkin
Kameryn Nicole Mitchell
Daniela Castillo Vazquez^
Jaquelyn Ramirez Velasquez
*Denotes Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Program Students
^ Cum Laude- with honors
^^ Magna Cum Laude- with high honors
^^^ Summa Cum Laude- with highest honors
Social Workers Are Essential
Please take a moment to view this video to our graduates from Social Work Department Chair, Dr. Nila Ricks.
2020-2021 Social Work Student Awards and Honors
Each spring semester, social work faculty highlight students who have done exceptional work and exceeded expectations during the academic year.
Best Micro Practice Student

Alba Ibarra (Spring ’21)
Daniela Castillo Vazquez (Summer ‘21)
This award is for the students who demonstrate excellence in the application of social work practice skills with emphasis on assessment of individual functioning. Alba and Daniela mastered all the interview skills during their semester in the Practice 1 course. They demonstrated those skills during the recorded video interviews as well as in the theoretical part of the course. Their ethics and professional deportment is outstanding.
Best Mezzo Practice Student

Daisy Guerrero (Fall ’21)
Daisy exhibited excellence in the mezzo practice course. She displays outstanding commitment to both individual and collective goals. She possesses strong abilities in synthesis and application of information. Daisy demonstrates exceptional competence in utilization of practice skills in both group work and work with families. She is a clear leader in mezzo practice.
Best Macro Practice Student

Hannah Carney (Spring ‘21)
Students in the macro practice course have group assignments, presentation, and exams to develop mastery of engagement in community level practice. Hannah Carney stands out as having displayed excellent team work, presentation, and knowledge application skills.
Outstanding Research Student

Angela Shibu (Spring ’21)
The Social Research course is designed to introduce students to research designs and the process of planning and executing a research study. Angela Shibu has displayed outstanding skills on processing, delivering, and applying research knowledge and materials. She has exhibited these skills through a well written research proposal and an excellent presentation. Her splendid knowledge, skills, and professionalism contributed to receiving the Outstanding Research Student Award.
Outstanding Accomplishment in Field Practicum
Field Practicum provides students with a supervised social work experience in an agency setting. These students are highlighted for exceptional performance in their field practicum.

Karla Alejos (Spring ’21) Good Samaritan Society Lake Forest Village
“I feel pretty lucky to have gotten Karla as an intern. She has been great to work with this semester and I am excited to see where her journey takes her. Not once did she back down from a challenge and it’s been exciting to watch her grow and develop a huge heart for the geriatric population. I’m so proud of how hard she’s worked and I have no doubt that she’s going to become a fantastic social worker. .” ~ Jennifer Barton LMSW, Good Samaritan Field Instructor
Leslie Almanza (Spring ’21) Volunteers of America Resolana Program
Leslie spent her internship really honing in her intervention techniques such as group facilitation. She took extra time to be creative in an effort to engage clients through telehealth in a more stimulating way. She is always professional and is constantly looking for ways to continue learning about effective evidence-based treatments. I believe Leslie is going to be a wonderful addition to the social work profession- Sarah Billingsley, VOA Field Instructor

Daisy Gonzalez (Spring ’21) Walk-In Case Management Intern - CitySquare
“Daisy’s commitment to the field of social work was on full display as she completed her field practicum with CitySquare this past semester. She is quick to ask questions, seek consultation and think critically about how systems of inequality impact vulnerable populations. It was an absolute pleasure to be her field supervisor, and we are so proud of all her accomplishments. This is a well-deserved honor, Daisy! .” ~ Hannah Sims, CitySquare Field Instructor

Xiomara Rios (Fall ’20) Volunteers of America Resolana Program
“Xiomara was an exceptional intern. She is empathetic with clients, and demonstrates a deep understanding of the importance of diversity in the work we do. She was most interested in our immigrant population and the hardships immigrants go through while incarcerated in America. She advocated for her clients’ needs and created resource handouts for clients dealing with the unknowns of being an immigrant while incarcerated so that these clients could get the representation and the help they need. Xiomara is intuitive and intelligent which tells me she will go a long way as a social worker. I’m excited to see where her career takes her.”~ Sarah Billingsley, VOA Field Instructor
Outstanding Title IV-E Student
The Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Program is a federally funded initiative which supports partnership programs designed to prepare social work students for careers in the child welfare profession and to develop the skills of current workers.
Chantelle Worrell (Summer ’20)
Chantelle was an exceptional IV-E student. She has provided many children and families and colleagues support and knowledge throughout her tenure with CPS. She has utilized all her training from TWU and CPS and makes a difference each and every day!
Best Capstone Presentation
Each semester students in field practicum present a capstone presentations to demonstrate their mastery of the nine social work competencies while in the field. These students had stellar capstone presentations resulting in a combined perfect score from faculty reviewers.

Mariah Rocha (Spring ‘21)

Ashley Pryor (Spring ’21)

Hannah Carney (Spring ‘21)

Tiffany Ngeny (Spring ’21)
Top Policy Advocate

Rachel Tipsword (Fall ’21)
Social work students examine the policy-making process and explore public policy issues. In addition to paid and volunteer experiences, Rachel advocates for access to affordable medical care and treatment for children and adults with diabetes. Rachel’s advocacy efforts preceded her time in the social work program and have developed into a strong desire for working in medical social work.
Civic Engagement Award
Jacqueline Valdez Ortiz (Fall ’21)
Jacqueline created, coordinated, and participated in several civic engagement activities this academic year. Jacqueline, along with fellow awardee, Rachel Tipsword, registered students to vote, and created and led virtual information sessions to inform students about the presidential candidates. Jacqueline also participated in other civic engagement activities with student organizations across campus. She remained dedicated to these civic engagement efforts, even when things got tough and she had to work alone. She found the courage to push through and challenge herself. I am confident that her leadership, passion, and time commitment to these efforts made a substantive and positive impact at TWU and on the historic voter turnout among students. I am proud of her exceptional work in the area of civic engagement! ~ Dr. Ricks
Best Writing

Tiffany Ngeny (Spring ’21)
Tiffany mastered the assessment writing in Practice 1 and the Grieving course. Tiffany consistently produced quality work on writing assignments in the Social Issues, Policies, and Programs course, scoring 100% on her opinion editorial and policy analysis paper. Her professional writing complies with standards set for a successful professional social worker.
Most Congenial
Daniela Castillo Vazquez (Summer ‘21)
The congenial award is given to the Social Work Student that demonstrates the most friendly and pleasant demeanor. This year’s recipient of the Most Congenial Award, Daniela Castillo Vazquez, has exhibited these qualities and more throughout the year.
Spirit of Social Work Award

Julie Matkin (Summer ’21)
Jacqueline Valdez Ortiz (Fall ’21)
The Spirit of Social Work Award is reserved for students who embody the mission of the profession. This is often displayed through leadership and noticeable commitment to the profession’s values and goals. This year’s awardees have displayed exceptional leadership through service and advocacy. Additionally, both Julie Matkin and Jacqueline Valdez Ortiz have served as president of the Beta Sigma Chapter of the Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society at Texas Woman’s University.
Top Social Work Student

Alba Ibarra (Spring ’21)
Alba Ibarra is truly the epitome of the top Social Work student. Alba has consistently maintained excellent grades and has a genuine desire to do well and ensure that all her classmates do as well. Alba is bright, inquisitive and compassionate, consistently participating and social work activities and completing the Title IV-E internship.
Phoenix Award

Maria Alejandra Puche Montealegre (Spring ’21)
The Phoenix Award denotes recognition of a student who has overcome significant challenges and risen to the occasion of academic excellence. This year’s recipient of the Phoenix Award is Maria Alejandra Puche Montealegre. Maria has developed the resilience needed to accomplish her academic and professional goals.
Shining Star Award

Laura Lopez (Summer ’21)
Laura has excelled in her social work courses. She participates thoughtfully in class and provides an example for her classmates. Laura possesses the aptitude for social justice work; this is displayed in her coursework. The social work faculty agree that Laura Lopez deserves recognition for her growth and contributions to the social work program.
NASW-Texas Chapter TWU Student of the Year
Leslie Almanza (Spring ’21) Volunteers of America Resolana Program
As a student member of the National Association of Social Workers, Leslie is also an active member of student organizations including the Child Abuse Prevention Society and Phi Alpha Honor Society. Leslie is an exceptional student, excelling in all courses, and is also committed to many community activities and volunteering.
2020-2021 Phi Alpha Honor Society Inductees
Beta Sigma Chapter
Erica Bruening
Audrey Easterling
Julie Grigor
Daisy Guerrero
Nicole McCann
Demetria Ober
Sonia Rocha
Rachel Tipsword
Phyllis Woolsey
Social Work Student Organization Awards
Child Abuse Prevention Society
CAPS was awarded the first Student Organization Dr. Glenda Brock Simmons Community Service Award at the Spring 2021 Redbud Awards. Award winners have a servant leadership mentality and demonstrate a self-initiated nature of service beyond the TWU community.
Page last updated 4:18 PM, February 7, 2024