
Nursing announces 11th Annual Nurses Week Commemoration

The TWU College of Nursing, the Center for Global Nursing, and Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Society’s Beta Beta Houston chapter, present the 11th Annual Nurses Week Commemoration to take place Friday, April 22, with a focus on historical and current perspectives on Indigenous population health, nursing and education.

Nursing celebrates 50+ years of PhD program

When you reach a milestone, it’s time to celebrate. And that’s what roughly 200 members of the Texas Woman’s University family did from March 4-6 in Houston to mark the 50th anniversary of the College of Nursing’s PhD program.

Nurse’s research on abuse may be key to improving victims’ mental health

She’s seen firsthand the mental toll an abusive relationship can have on a woman, so it isn’t surprising that Angeles Nava, an assistant professor of nursing at TWU’s Houston campus, has devoted seven years to researching intimate partner violence.

Regents give green light to health science building project

The Texas Woman’s University System Board of Regents today approved a plan to build a 175,000-square-foot health science center for the Denton campus to support growth in the colleges of health sciences and nursing and other collaborative efforts.

Regents authorize names for social work division, new nursing center

The Texas Woman’s University System Board of Regents today approved naming features for a new nursing research center to be established at the university’s Dallas campus and for the existing division of social work at the Denton campus.