
Shakhsari to discuss unrest in Iran at CAS Global Event

Sima Shakhsari, chair of the department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies at the University of Minnesota, will be the featured speaker at the CAS Global Perspectives event, "Women, Life, Freedom: The Iranian Movement," on April 6 at 11 a.m. in CFO room 205.

TWU students earn awards at CCTE

March 7, 2023 – DENTON – Two Texas Woman's University graduate students earned awards at the Conference of College Teachers of English.

Kayleigh Brewer earned the Randall Popken Rhetoric/Composition/Tech Writing/Language Studies Award for “Voices From Lockdown: A Call for a Critical Approach to Reading Students in Their Own Words,” 

Franco Zamora's article “‘Voz’: Latinx Community Engagement Writing Project for First-Year Composition” was awarded the William E. Tanner Rhetorical Area Paper by a Grad Student.

The conference was held March 2-4 at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas.

No panic here: TWU prepares for ChatGPT

TWU is preparing for the impact of ChatGPT, an AI-powered website that mimics human conversation, writes and debugs computer programs and writes screenplays, poetry, and stories. It has also written essays and research papers, and answered test questions.

TWU play to challenge LGBTQ+ norm

Bull in a China Shop is the third play of the Texas Woman's University theatre's 2022-23 season. Written by Bryna Turner and premiered at the Lincoln Center in 2017, the play is the story of two women at Mount Holyoke College from 1899 to 1937. The play will run Feb. 22-26 at Redbud Theater.

PBS Books Author Talk to feature TWU's West Jan. 12

TWU's Genevieve West, PhD, will be featured on PBS's Books Author Talk to discuss You Don't Know Us Negroes,  the book of essays by Zora Neale Hurston which West edited along with Monica Miller and Henry Louis Gates Jr.