
Past Training / Workshops

Denton and Dallas IRB November 5, 2020: This training session was a discussion on the informed consent process and was held virtually. The presentation materials are attached here and the session was recorded and can be viewed here.

Denton and Dallas IRB October 16, 2020: This session focused on navigating Cayuse, the online system for IRB submissions. The session was recorded and can be viewed here.

Houston IRB October 14, 2020: This session included a brief discussion about the IRB process and Cayuse before launching into an in-depth discussion on informed consent process. The presentation materials and recording are now available.

Denton and Dallas IRB October 2, 2020: This training session was a discussion on the general process for submitting an IRB application and was held virtually. The presentation materials are attached here and the session was recorded and can be viewed here.


Page last updated 11:22 AM, May 8, 2024