Fact Book

- Overview
University mission, board of regents, administrative officers, history, distinctions, etc. - Enrollment (Fall 2024 data)
Student enrollment by campus, level, ethnicity, gender, major, etc. - Degrees Conferred (2023-2024 data)
Degrees granted by campus, level, ethnicity, major, etc. - Semester Credit Hours* (Fall 2024 data)
SCH production by semester, level, college/school, course prefix
*Student FTE is the full-time equivalent of student enrollment. The student full-time equivalent is used to determine a standard enrollment if all students were enrolled full-time, and is calculated by dividing the student semester credit hours by the appropriate full-time hours. Specific formulas vary by the definition of full-time credit hours, but the most commonly used formula is ((UG SCH/12) + (GR SCH/9)). - Retention and Graduation (Fall 2023 data)
Retention and graduation tables and charts for FTIC and transfer undergraduates, and for new master's students. - Denton Campus (Spring 2024 data)
Enrollment, semester credit hours, and degrees conferred for the Denton campus - Dallas Center (Spring 2024 data)
Enrollment, semester credit hours, and degrees conferred for the Dallas campus - Houston Center (Spring 2024 data)
Enrollment, semester credit hours, and degrees conferred for the Houston campus - Faculty Data (Fall 2023 data)
Faculty headcount by category and tenure/tenure-track, average age, FTE, and student/faculty ratios by course prefix - Glossary
Definitions of commonly used terms.
Page last updated 1:17 PM, December 12, 2024