Retiring Employees

TWU Prospective Retiree

Redbud trees in bloom on the TWU Denton campus

To be considered a TWU Retiree and be honored at TWU’s Service Awards and Retirement Recognition Program, employees must have a minimum of 10 years of unwithdrawn State or Texas ISD service and be at least 65 years of age, OR have a minimum of 10 years of unwithdrawn State or Texas ISD service and meet Rule of 80 (age + years of service). Please note, employees may be eligible to retire without meeting these conditions but will not be considered a TWU Retiree. Retirees are honored only once. Each retiree is honored at time of retirement regardless of any future return to work agreements. Faculty members who choose to participate in the Retired Teaching Option (RTO) will be honored as a retiree BEFORE beginning RTO employment.

Retirement Checklist 

TRS Retirement

To obtain an estimate for your TRS annuity contact TRS at 1-800-223-8778 or log into TRS at

State Retiree Insurance Eligibility

Retirees with 20 years of eligible service credit will receive the full state contribution, retirees with 15-19 years of eligible service credit will receive 75% of the full state contribution and retirees with a minimum of 10 years of eligible service credit would receive 50% of the full state contribution. A grandfathering provision is included for those employees with five years of eligible service credit as of August 31, 2014. Retiree Insurance for TWU is administered by ERS (Employees Retirement System of Texas). Contact the TWU Benefits Office to elect your Retiree Insurance.

Return To Work After Retirement

If you are considering returning to work or are a hiring departing in the process of recruiting a TRS retiree certain rules must be considered. The hiring department is required to pay a surcharge enforced by TRS when an offer is made to a TRS retiree who retired on or after September 1, 2005. For details contact the benefits office or log onto TRS at and search return to work.

Before making an offer the Return to Work TRS Retiree Surcharge must be completed and approved by the applicable VP and the VP of Finance and Administration.

Page last updated 12:01 PM, November 4, 2024