
TWU JNIWL presents virtual panels on professionalization tools

The Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership at Texas Woman’s University is sponsoring the new Virtual Academic Series, an exciting program of three virtual panels that will provide professionalization tools for all TWU faculty, post-docs and graduate students during April 2022.

Nursing celebrates 50+ years of PhD program

When you reach a milestone, it’s time to celebrate. And that’s what roughly 200 members of the Texas Woman’s University family did from March 4-6 in Houston to mark the 50th anniversary of the College of Nursing’s PhD program.

TWU Jamison Lecture to feature public health responses to the COVID pandemic

Public health officials from Dallas, Denton and Houston will share their experiences dealing with the COVID pandemic at Texas Woman’s University’s seventh annual Jamison Lecture, part of the Nancy P. and Thaddeus E. Paup Lecture Series.

TWU Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy offers new workshops

The Center for Women in Politics & Public Policy (CWPPP) at Texas Woman’s University is offering three emBOLDenHER virtual workshops this spring to encourage women to run for office in Texas.

TWU to celebrate 50+ years of nursing PhD

The world has learned many lessons the past two years with the sudden arrival of — and adjustments to — COVID-19, perhaps none more pressing than there is an overwhelming need for more nurses. Nurses, however, do not just appear. It takes education and training as well as research into the best ways to nurse patients. That requires doctoral-educated nurses with careers in health administration, education, clinical research, and advanced clinical practice.