JHG Texas awards 100th nursing scholarship
Since 2018, the Johanniter Humanitarian Group (JHG) of Texas has presented more than 100 scholarships to JHG Texas Nursing Scholars. In October, the organization awarded its 100th scholarship at TWU Dallas.
Nurse DJ brings joy, care to others
Working as a registered nurse at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, Paulina Andujo connects with patients through virtual and in-person education before and after surgery. But she also finds a connection to others and herself through music.
TX Incubator program takes women entrepreneurs to the next level
Fast-tracking a start-up into a scalable and successful business is no easy task, but six women entrepreneurs were able to do just that through the TX Women Owned Incubator Program, offered by the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership at Texas Woman’s University and The Slate, a woman-owned coworking space in Dallas.
Center for Women Entrepreneurs announces Veteran Woman Grant awardees
The Center for Women Entrepreneurs (CWE) at Texas Woman’s University has selected six female veterans in Texas to receive a $5,000 award each through its Veteran Woman Entrepreneur Grant program, which supports women veterans in Texas who own their own businesses or are interested in launching one.
Nursing grad’s journey went from despair to triumph
For many, graduation is a celebration of perseverance and academic achievement. For Lisa Mejia, a 33-year-old mother of two who will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in nursing after a decade of ups and downs, it is a journey from trauma to triumph.