Program Proposals

Important Notifications

New Undergraduate and Graduate Program proposals should be submitted a minimum of one year before the hoped-for first cohort start date. New Doctoral Program proposals should be submitted a minimum of two years before the hoped-for first cohort start date.

It is recommended that components speak with the Dean of the Graduate School about new graduate proposals or the vice president of CSI about new undergraduate proposals before submitting them to the CIM system.

Effective June 1, 2023: The THECB now requires a Planning Notification to be submitted for the below types of programs before submitting a formal new program request.  This Planning Notification will be submitted by TWU's THECB Liaison as part of our CIM Program system workflow.  The THECB will perform a Labor Market Analysis. The THECB Labor Market Analysis reply can take up to 90 days. The analysis will be added to the proposal administratively. The proposal will be held in workflow after the V.P. of Curriculum workflow approval step until the THECB analysis is received before moving forward.

Degrees Requiring Planning Notification

  • Academic associate degrees (Embedded and Multidisciplinary Studies associate degrees are exempt from the planning notification requirement.) TWU is not currently approved by SACSCOC to offer degrees at the associate level.
  • Bachelor’s & master’s degrees
  • Doctoral & professional degrees (must be submitted one year prior to submission of
    full degree program proposal). If a planning notification has already been submitted for a doctoral program prior to June 1st and the full proposal will be submitted after June 1st, you do not need to wait the full year.

This is a living document where we are consolidating program information provided by multiple stakeholders, including faculty! Check back frequently for updates. Please submit any questions, corrections, or recommendations to Scott Martin, Manager of Curriculum, Catalogs, & Academic Communications at or 940-898-3508. You can also schedule a Zoom meeting with him here.

To Do's - Before Proposing a New Program or Modification

  • Talk to the area component leader and college dean, especially if proposing a new program.
  • New program proposals must contact the Office of the Chief Budget Officer to develop a new program financial viability proforma. This is not the same as the THECB documentation. This is to open conversations with leadership about the viability of the proposed program. This proforma will be a required attachment in the CIM new program proposal.
  • Gather Information. New degree programs must comply with Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Standards for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs and should address job market need, degree requirements, marketable skills, resources, costs, and more. When proposing new doctoral or professional programs, please refer to Coordinating Board Rules §5.46.
  • Contact the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation to develop or revise the assessment plan as needed, and to determine which substantive change notifications to SACSCOC, if any, will be required. The new or revised assessment plan is required to be submitted with the new or revised program proposal. Please note: Depending on how substantive a proposed change is, approval from our regional accreditor could as long as a year to obtain. Proposed new programs may not accept students until approval is received.
  • If proposing a new online/hybrid program, or proposing a change in delivery mode for an existing program from face-to-face to online/hybrid, the proposal must be approved by the Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC) before the proposal can go to the Provost. Talk to Dr. Lynda Murphy, Director of the Center for Development, Design, & Delivery about this before starting the workflow.
  • Submit any new course proposals or modifications to existing courses in inventory required for the new or revised program to the Curriculum Committee. The curriculum committee process will happen simultaneously with the new or revised program review process.
  • Submit any new undergraduate courses or existing courses for core curriculum and/or global perspectives to be routed through Undergraduate Council, Provost’s Office, and the THECB (core curriculum only).
  • Review new or modified degree plans with Academic Component Leader, Director of Transfer & Compliance, and any department that might offer similar outcomes for the proposed degree.

Timeline, Workflow, & Approvals


  • New Undergraduate and Graduate Program proposals should be submitted a minimum of one year before the hoped-for first cohort start date.
  • New Doctoral Program proposals should be submitted a minimum of two years before the hoped-for first cohort start date.
  • External agencies meet on their own timetables to consider new program submissions. Approvals can take up to a year to receive a reply. External approval is not guaranteed, and the external agency may have questions that they wish answered prior to approval. 
  • Minor modifications to existing programs should be submitted by April 30th for inclusion in next year's catalog and degree audit. Substantial modifications to existing programs, which may require additional internal and external approvals, should be submitted in the same timeline as new programs above.

Workflow and Approvals

All new and modified program proposals follow the TWU Program Proposal Workflow.  Each step in the workflow can either send the proposal back to earlier steps of the workflow to request additional clarity or recommend approval of the proposal and move it to the next step of the workflow.  Comments from all those in the workflow appear at the end of the proposal in the CIM system. 

Note that all new and some substantially modified programs require TWU Board of Regents and external approvals from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and/or the  Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Board of Regents approval requests must be received by the General Council and approved by the Provost a minimum of 8 weeks in advance for inclusion on the Regents' Agenda.

External approvals are required for:

  • New degree programs and certificates
  • New educator certificate program in a disciplinary area in which the institution already offers an undergraduate degree program
  • Increase in SCH, coding, designation, or title for a degree
  • Undergraduate Core curriculum changes (annual)

Please review the Required Institutional and External Approvals chart. Additional external approvals may also be required on a case-by-case basis.  External approvals can take up to, and occasionally over a year, to receive.  See the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Notifications/Approvals and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) accordions on this page for additional details.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Notifications/Approvals


Shannon Scott, Ph.D.
Interim Vice Provost for Faculty Success
Professor of Psychology, School of Social Work, Psychology, and Philosophy

The following actions require review and or approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).  Please carefully review the linked THECB information and download any required forms from the THECB website.  The TWU-THECB Liason will submit the required forms to THECB.

Administrative Changes

Administrative changes are those that result in the creation of or modifications to an academic administrative unit at a university or health-related institution.

Requires Notification - Complete the Degree Program and Administrative Unit Change Request Form and email it directly to the TWU-THECB Liason.

New Program Requests

All new program requests require THECB review and approval. New tracks within a program do not require THECB review or approval.

Attach the required THECB forms to the program proposal and submit them to the workflow.  All required approvals are processed via the CIM Programs system, and any needed signatures will be coordinated by the THECB liaison as part of the workflow process.

New degree programs or certificate programs require notification of other public institutions of higher education within a 50-mile radius of the proposed location of the new program 30 days before submission to THECB. Objections must be resolved before submitting requests to the Coordinating Board. This is coordinated by the THECB Liason as part of the workflow.

New Certificate Requests

Effective September 1, 2023, UHRI academic certificates do not require 50-mile notification or approval by the THECB prior to delivery. Institutions must notify Academic and Health Affairs within 90 days of delivery of a new certificate program. An online notification form will be available by November 1, 2023.

Changes to Existing Programs

The following changes to existing programs require THECB notification and/or approval. (Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 5, Subchapter C, Rule 5.55).  Complete the appropriate sections of the Degree Program and Administrative Unit Change Request Form, attach it to the CIM Program modification proposal, update all the corresponding program information (including Catalog Integration Points). and submit to the TWU CIM Program workflow. The THECB liaison will acquire all appropriate signatures and submit the updates to the THECB portal.

  • Total Semester Credit Hours
    • Reduction in SCH – Requires Notification.
      Revisions may not reduce the required hours below the minimum requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), program accreditors, and licensing bodies, where applicable.
    • Increase in SCH – Requires Review and Approval.
      Revisions resulting in an increase in the overall number of semester credit hours required for the program must be reviewed and approved by THECB prior to implementation by the university. The institution must provide detailed written documentation describing the compelling academic reason for the increase in the number of required hours. The Coordinating Board will review the documentation provided and make a determination to approve or deny the request.
  • Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) CodingRequires Review and Approval. 
  • Degree Title - Requires Review and Approval.
  • Consolidation of Programs Request - Requires Review and Approval.

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Notifications/Approvals


Gray Scott, Ph.D.
Director of Academic Assessment & Accreditation

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) approvals can take a minimum of 6 months to a year, depending on the time a proposal is submitted to SACSCOC. Note that the TWU accreditation office has other missions, components, and accreditation demands and that prospectuses may take time to prepare and submit.

  • Proposals submitted between July 1 and Dec 31 of the same year will be reviewed by SACSCOC on Jan 1.
  • Proposals submitted between Jan 1 and June 31 of the same year will be reviewed by SACSCOC on July 1.

Contact the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation to develop or revise the assessment plan as needed, and to determine which substantive change notifications/approvals to SACSCOC, if any, will be required. The new or revised assessment plan is required to be submitted with the new or revised program proposal. 

Creating a New Program, Track, Certificate, Minor

When required, approval from SACSCOC must be received (or notification be sent) related to a new program, track, certificate, or minor before TWU can accept students. This includes many forms of recruitment, Student Life activities, Financial Aid support, etc.  TWU can advertise - see the Marketing, Advertising, Recruitment, and Admissions section of this webpage.

  • If 50% or more of the coursework is new or differs from another existing program, it requires SACSCOC approval. 
  • If 49% - 25% is new or differs, it requires a notification to be sent to SACSCOC.
  • If less than 25% is new or differs, no notification or approval is required.

Modifying an Existing Program, Track, Certificate, Minor

When required, approval from SACSCOC must be received (or notification be sent) related to a proposed modification to an existing program, track, certificate, or minor.

  • If 50% or more of the coursework is new or differs from another existing program, it requires SACSCOC approval. 
  • If 49% - 25% is new or differs, it requires a notification to be sent to SACSCOC.
  • If less than 25% is new or differs, no notification or approval is required.

Other Common Substantive Changes

Notification or Approval may also be required for:

  • Modifying an existing program, track, or certificate to be a distance education (online) program. (See also distance education proposals below.)
  • Utilization of competency-based credit or credit based on prior learning.
  • Offering a program at a new degree level.
  • The offering of a program, track, or certificate that involves a dual or joint degree with another institution or a cooperative academic arrangement with an external entity. 
  • The offering of courses, programs, tracks, or certificates at a new off-campus location.
  • Changing the length (semester credit hours) of an existing program, track, or certificate. 

For more information about substantive change, please visit the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation's Substantive Change webpage. 

Marketing, Advertising, Recruitment, and Admissions

New programs and substantive changes to existing programs are subject to both the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Advertising and Student Recruitment policy and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) guidelines. Marketing, advertising, and recruitment may start after a program is submitted and approved by the TWU Board of Regents and before receiving state and accreditation approvals, provided the disclaimer statements of pending approval are clearly included in all marketing information. TWU will add a new program to ApplyTexas or TargetX and begin admitting students once all external agencies fully approve the program.

  1. Make sure the THECB liaison has filed with the state and SACSCOC liaison has submitted a prospectus before marketing, advertising, or recruiting.
  2. All marketing and advertising materials must include the appropriate statements “Pending approval by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges." and “Pending approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board."
  3. Hold off on admission offers until all external approvals have been received.

Submitting Program Proposals

Make sure to carefully review the above information and attach any required forms.

Information on how to use our new Curriculum Inventory Management system can be found on the TWU's Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) and Catalog (CAT) Systems Guide website. Please review the information below as well before accessing the system.

Propose a New Program, Track, Certificate, or Minor

New bachelor's and master's program proposals should be completed and submitted a minimum of one year before anticipated admission of the first cohort, and doctoral programs two years.  This time allows for both internal TWU and external state and accreditation approvals. 

Incomplete or inaccurate proposals will be returned in the workflow for correction or clarification, and may result in delayed approval and admission of students.

Submission of a new program, track in a program, certificate, or minor is completed via TWU's new Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) Programs form.  We are piloting this new system feature, and thank you for your patience while we continue to make improvements.  Please send any issues, suggestions, or feedback to Scott Martin; Manager of Curriculum, catalogs, and Academic Communications; at or 940-898-3508.

The new CIM Programs form takes all the prior separate program processes and forms from across the institution and centralizes them into a single online form and workflow. 

Create any new coursework in the CIM system that will be part of the new plan.  The coursework must be entered into the CIM system to build out the required degree plan information.

Contact Academic Assessment for assistance with developing an appropriate Academic Institutional Improvement Assessment Plan for the proposed degree/certificate program. This should be done simultaneously with developing the certificate/ degree program proposal itself and attached before the proposal is submitted to workflow.

Complete and attach any required Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) forms identified above with signatures.

Information on how to use our new Curriculum Inventory Management system can be found on the TWU's Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) and Catalog (CAT) Systems Guide website

Submit a new program, track in a program, certificate, or minor via the CIM system here.

Modify an Existing Program, Track, Certificate, or Minor Currently Published in the Catalog

Modification of an existing program, track, certificate, or minor that is currently published in the TWU Catalog is done through the online CIM Programs form.

Minor modifications of existing undergraduate programs may be approved by the Vice Provost for Curriculum and Strategic Initiatives and existing graduate programs by the Dean of the Graduate School.  Substantial modifications may require additional approvals, including Undergraduate/Graduate Councils, Provost, BOR, THECB, and/or SACS.  Substantial modifications can take up to a year to receive internal and external approvals.

Approved modifications to programs are effective the next academic year and are automatically mirrored in the next Catalog draft published each year in June.

To modify an existing program, track, certificate, or minor currently articulated the Catalog:

  1. Sign into the CIM Programs system.
  2. Search for a keyword in the program title.  Remember to place * on each side of your keyword.
  3. Select the program from the list of options and click the green "Edit Program" button.
  4. In the form that opens, complete any red required fields. Note that most fields have Help Bubble with information to assist you.
  5. Update the information in the "Catalog Integration Points" section.
  6. When updates are complete, click the "Start Workflow" button.

Distance Education Proposals

All new and modified programs that wish to be considered for Distance Education delivery must:

  1. Complete the CIM New of Modified Program Proposal form and identify the appropriate distance education type under the Delivery Method section.
  2. Contact Dr. Lynda Murphy, Executive Director of Faculty Success to request a copy of the current Distance Education questionnaire, complete it, and attach the DE questionnaire to the proposal under the Distance Delivery Methods section.

Please note that all distance education proposals are subject to SACSCOC requirements for substantive change notification and approval as described above. Any programs adding a distance education method of delivery will be reviewed by the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation in the CIM workflow and contacted as needed to complete the required SACSCOC notification. 

Accelerated Programs

See the Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Programs Policy for official guidelines.

For a list of current approved Accelerated Programs, visit the TWU Accelerated Bachelor to Master's Programs webpage,

What is an Accelerated Program?

From a functional and reporting standpoint, an Accelerated Program is a track within a previously approved Undergraduate degree that allows an Undergraduate student to enroll in and complete up to 12 semester credit hours (SCH) of Graduate coursework as part of their Undergraduate degree. This Graduate coursework then feeds into a previously approved corresponding Graduate degree the student must apply for and be accepted into before being allowed to enroll in the graduate coursework portion. If the student does not apply or is not accepted into the Graduate degree program, they are shifted to the regular Undergraduate degree plan to complete the remaining Undergraduate coursework required to graduate with their bachelor’s degree. If accepted into the graduate degree program, the student receives their bachelor’s degree upon completion of the Graduate coursework identified as part of their Undergraduate Accelerated Program degree plan. The student receives their Graduate degree upon completion of the remaining required Graduate coursework identified as part of the Graduate degree plan. These are two separate degrees and plans, one that feeds into the other.  The reason Undergraduate Accelerated Program proposals are routed to the Graduate Council for approval is to confirm that the 12 SCH of Graduate coursework is appropriate to feed into the Graduate degree it is associated with.  There are no changes to the Graduate degree plan that was previously approved.

Does this require BOR approval?

No, as long as the Undergraduate and Graduate degrees that the Accelerated Program is built upon have already been approved.

Does this require THECB approval?

No, as long as the Undergraduate and Graduate degrees that the Accelerated Program is built upon have already been approved AND there is no change to the total SCH required to complete the Undergraduate degree.

Does this require SACSCOC approval?

No, as long as the Undergraduate and Graduate degrees that the Accelerated Program is built upon have already been approved.


Texas public universities and health-related institutions that want to offer a new upper-division undergraduate or graduate certificate program must first notify institutions within a 50-mile radius of the proposed teaching site of the new certificate program, allow a 30-day public comment period, and resolve any objections prior to submission of a Certificate Program Certification Form. The notification will be added to the proposal administratively and need not be compiled by the academic component. The proposal will be held in the workflow after the V.P. of Curriculum workflow approval step until the comment period has passed.

Institutions are not required to notify the Coordinating Board when establishing new certificate programs with fewer than 21 SCH for an upper-level undergraduate and fewer than 16 SCH for graduate-level certificate programs. 

Suspension/Closure of an Active Program, Track, Minor, or Certificate

Suspending/Closing a program, track, minor, or certificate

  1. Login to the CIM Program system.
  2. Search for the program, track, minor, or certificate.
  3. Select the program and click the "Deactivate" button (this is also used for Suspensions.)
  4. Complete the form.
  5. If a Deactivation, attach the Teach-Out Plan developed with Academic Assessment.
  6. Click the "Save and Submit to Workflow" button.

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

Suspend a Program/Track for a Brief Time

Any pause in accepting students MUST CLEARLY indicate on marketing, catalog, and website materials that TWU is not closing the program and include an anticipated reopening date. Reasons suspensions are considered appropriate include:

  • Lack of current resources to provide the program, with anticipation of future resource allocation to again offer the program at a later date.
  • Reviewing a program.

Programs wishing to suspend or pause enrollment must notify TWU's SACSCOC Liaison, Gray Scott (, complete the online CIM Program Deactivation form (also used for suspensions), and submit it to the workflow for approval.   Programs that will not have active enrollment for at least one program track after 12-18 months will be required to submit a teach-out plan for closure. 

Closing a Program

SACSCOC's definition of closing a program is when TWU is no longer accepting students into the program at the current time with no planned future offering. This ALWAYS requires advanced approval from SACSCOC (a notification is insufficient) following submission of a teach-out plan. TWU may begin a teach-out plan immediately after submitting it to SACSCOC; however, the closure is not approved until action is taken by the SACSCOC Board of Trustees.

Program closure includes ending a program at all locations or by all methods of delivery, but also includes ending a student’s completion option at a specific location or by a specific method of delivery. Therefore, program closure approval is required if a program closes

  • at a location (on-campus or off-campus instructional site) but continues to be offered at other locations, or
  • by a method of delivery but continues to be offered by other methods of delivery. 

To close an active program, track, minor, or certificate, the academic component must first develop a Teach-Out Plan (use this template) with the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation.  Once complete, the component must complete the online CIM Program Deactivation form, attach the Teach-Out Plan, and submit it to the workflow for approval.

To ensure compliance with SACSCOC standards, TWU no longer permits what the university calls "stealth closures." A component engages in "stealth closure" when it publishes and communicates a notification that it is “not currently accepting students into the program” (i.e., website/catalog) without seeking approval in advance and submitting a teach-out plan, and then, at a later time, quietly closes without a public notification the program will be closed.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)

TWU will leave closed programs on the books with the THECB should a component wish to reactivate a program at a later date.

Page last updated 11:31 AM, January 24, 2025