Dallas Campus
About the Dallas Campus
The TWU T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences – Dallas Center opened in February 2011, combining the university’s Parkland and Presbyterian sites into an eight-story, 190,000-square-foot building in the heart of the Southwestern Medical District.
View detailed room information on the Classrooms page.
Request a Reservation
TWU departments and student organizations can submit requests through the online reservation system, Mazevo.
Outside organizations can submit a request through the T. Boone Pickens Institute of Heal Sciences - Dallas Center form.
Reservation Guidelines
The Reservation Policies and Procedures encompass all reservations held at the Institute of Health Sciences - Dallas Center. The person making the reservation will be referred to as the requester or primary contact. All policies and procedures are subject to change at the discretion of TWU leadership. The campus President reserves the right to approve any event on the Dallas campus.
Room Requests
Reservations for campus facilities are accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Requests are submitted through the online reservation system: Mazévo. Reservations are confirmed by email after requests are reviewed and approved by necessary parties. A reservation is not confirmed until primary contact receives a confirmation email.
Reservation Timelines
Mazévo will accept reservations for a given semester after the academic class schedule for that semester has been finalized (For example, the fall semester class schedule is usually completed around the end of March. Reservations would open in April.).
If you need to request a reservation before Mazévo has opened, email Conference Services and request an advanced reservation exception.
TWU faculty, staff and student organizations may request any general use facility for events and meetings. External reservations are not permitted, however departments may co-sponsor events hosted by external companies. Read below for stipulations for co-sponsored events.
Certain specialty academic spaces and labs can only be reserved through University Scheduling. If a space is not available to reserve through Mazévo, the request must be submitted through the University Scheduling form.
Student Organization Events
Student organizations should contact the Student Life office for guidance of planning events.
Dallas Campus Departmental Events
Employees that operate out of the Dallas campus are responsible for arranging for technology support and facility logistics. Contact the Campus Manager for guidance.
Other Campus Departmental Events
If an event is being planned by an employee from the Denton or Houston campus, it is the responsibility of the faculty or staff member to contact the Campus Manager during the planning process to ensure all the planning and execution of the event will run smoothly. A minimum of 30 days' notice is requested.
Co-Sponsored External Events
The Dallas Campus is designed for academic use, and has limited special event space. Capacity for external events may be limited and must meet the following criteria:
- External reservations must be co-sponsored by a TWU department.
- A representative of the department is responsible for making the room reservation and arranging for technology support, facility logistics and security (if applicable).
- The department representative must also commit to being on campus during the entire duration of the event in case questions or issues arise.
- External events should provide academic value to the faculty and/or student community.
- If the event is a certification course, continuing education event, or similar, seats must be available to the Dallasa (faculty or students) academic community.
Requesters should keep in mind that events take away from the already limited spaces used by students. If possible, external events should be held on Saturdays in order to be less invasive to campus.
Rental Rates and Fees
Currently, student organizations and departments do not pay for rental of facilities on the TWU campus, however, fees may apply for rental of equipment and certain services.
Classroom reservations can be requested through the TWU reservation system Mazevo.
General use classrooms and labs are available for reservations for events. The list of available rooms can be found on Mazevo. Requests for classrooms must be submitted at least three days prior to the meeting date. More time may be required for requests that require event services or security assignments. Please keep in mind that events and reservations with more elaborate requirements may need to be submitted 30 days prior to the event date.
Some classrooms have furniture that can be rearranged. Removal of classroom furniture is not permitted due to limited storage space and the additional work required by FMC. A meeting with the Campus Manager is required if any changes need to be made to classroom layouts.
Lobby reservations can be requested through the TWU reservation system: Mazevo.
A limited number of tables may be added to lobby spaces. Please contact the Campus Manager to ensure the set up needs fits in the space without obstructing regular use.
Multipurpose Room 3620
Multipurpose Room 3620 reservations can be requested through the TWU reservation system: Mazevo.
3620 is a small multipurpose room that can be used for events and meetings. Groups that reserve the space are required to ensure that the space is cleaned and any trash removed upon conclusion of the reservation. 3620 does not have flexible set up options, however, if groups are able to rearrange the set up as long as it is returned to the original configuration at the end of the reservation. 3620 is managed by the Dallas Student Life Office.
Custodial services can be requested through Facilities.
Custodial support is limited to basic building operations. Events requiring custodial services will pay a task payment based on the event requirements. The primary contact is responsible for submitting the FMC work order 10 days prior to the event.
Tables/Chairs/Other Equipment
Equipment can be requested through Facilities.
6’ rectangle tables and chairs may be requested through facilities management. The primary contact is responsible for submitting the FMC work order 10 days prior to the event.
Technology Support for events can be requested through the ITS Service Desk.
Assistance setting up the in-room technology equipment and basic technical support is provided by the Campus Manager’s office. Assistance for more elaborate events or virtual webinars can be requested by emailing Conference Services.
Vendor Requirements
For events that will include catering and other rentals/contracted services, it is required that the primary contact meets with the Campus Manager prior to the event to be aware of procedures and operation details. The primary contact is required to be the point of contact onsite during the setup and breakdown of the event when external vendors are involved.
Storage area for deliveries may be limited. If the requester has rented equipment from external companies, the delivery, set up, and tear down must be coordinated with the Campus Manager’s office. All rented items must be approved. If delivery, set up, and tear down of rental equipment takes place outside of regular operating hours, additional fees for building staffing will apply. The client will be responsible for any damages caused by external vendors.
Alcohol Usage
In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, student organizations will not serve, sell or consume alcoholic beverages at any organization function on or off campus.
TWU Departments wishing to serve alcohol at a university function should obtain written approval from their division Vice President before submitting the Special Events Form.
All alcohol served on campus must be provided by TWU’s current food service provider. If the event location requires a temporary alcohol permit, additional fees may apply.
Animals are not permitted inside campus facilities, with the exception of those used to assist persons with disabilities or when in compliance with the Pets at Work Policy, URP 05.485.
Catering & Food Safety
Only food from licensed food establishments is permitted to be served at TWU-sponsored events, activities, or fundraisers. Examples include properly licensed food service providers, caterers, and restaurants, as well as pre-prepared foods from retailers.
Food prepared at home, or from other unlicensed sources, is not permitted to be distributed on campus. See TWU's food safety page for more details.
It is requested that events with boxed lunches utilize minimal trash items. The use of sauces (like chips and dip) and sugary drinks should be restricted to help prevent spills and maintain our facilities.
Decorating Policy
Decorations must not block or limit access to doors, fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers, or fire alarms. Decorations may not be hung from light fixtures, fire sprinklers, or be affixed on any wall/glassdoor/stairwell. If a group is contracting with a company to provide decorations (e.g. balloon displays), the drop-off and pick up time must be coordinated with the Campus Manager. If decor items are left following an event, the group will be charged a daily fee until they are removed. All furnishing and fixtures in TWU venues are considered permanent and cannot be moved or removed (exceptions apply, contact the Campus Manager). All decorations must be set up and removed during the allotted reservation time. If additional time is needed for set up or decorating, please coordinate with the Campus Manager’s Office.
Prohibited Items:
- Use of tape, glue, nails, tacks, sticky putty, command hooks, or other means to affix items to the walls, woodwork, windows or floor.
- Items that create litter, could be dangerous to animals, stain or damage furniture and surfaces, or cause slipping hazards may not be tossed (rice, confetti, silly string, etc.).
- Loose glitter, confetti, loose feathers, and other items that are challenging to clean and invasive.
- Flame candles, sparklers, fog, and smoke machines (LED and other electronic candles are allowed).
- Glass containers may not be placed on the aisle or any area on the floor.
- Paint and paint markers are not permitted in any carpeted room.
- Aisle runners are considered a tripping hazard and are not permitted for safety concerns.
- Helium-filled balloons are not allowed in any room where the ceiling is higher than 15 feet. If a helium-filled balloon becomes loose in one of these spaces, a retrieval fee may apply.
The client or group will be financially responsible for any special clean-up or damages resulting from the event or activity. This list is not comprehensive, and groups are required to check with the Campus Manager’s office for approval of decoration plans.
Fronting Policy
The established rates for the university facilities and services are intended for the designated group types only (student organization, department, and external). Groups should not make reservations for another organization/group to receive a discount in fees (known as “fronting”). Hiding or concealing the identity of the actual client is not permitted and may result in loss of reservation privileges for both parties.
When a reservation is made, the primary contact must represent the group and remain onsite throughout the duration of the event.
An event is considered as being “fronted” if:
- A student organization makes the reservation for a department or external client but is not involved in the planning or organizing of the event.
- A department makes a reservation for an external client but is not involved in the planning or organizing of the event.
- A person not connected to the group that made the reservation is the primary contact for event details.
- The event did not originate with the group making the reservation, and that group is not involved in the planning and execution of the event.
Sponsorship of external events is permitted, a TWU contact is responsible for making the reservation and coordinating all facility and technology details. See the External Reservations section for additional details.
Inclement Weather Policy
All groups must follow University safety protocols and instructions during severe weather warnings.
If the University closes due to inclement weather, the reservation may be rescheduled at a later date pending availability.
Lost Items
It is the responsibility of the individual reserving a room(s) to ensure all items are removed upon conclusion of the function. TWU and its representatives do not assume responsibility for any lost or misplaced items prior to, during, or after an event. Any items found at events will be immediately turned over to TWU’s Department of Public Safety.
Noise Level of Events
Any source of external sound will not be allowed due to the ongoing classes and any excess noise will disturb the normal classes, including any test going on at the time of the event. Requests for background music at events should be discussed with the Campus Manager and will be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Operating Hours
The Dallas Campus building is open for reservations during regular operating hours. Access may be granted after these hours with approval by the campus manager.
Printing in a computer lab is not available to any external event participant.
Security and Special Events
All reservations that meet any of the following criteria will be reviewed for security assignment by the Special Events Committee:
- 100 or more people will be in attendance,
- Alcohol is being served, and/or
The Special Events Committee reserves the right to assign security to any event deemed necessary. Please see the Special Events Policy for additional details.
Smoking and Open Flame
Use of tobacco and smoking products (including vaping) is prohibited on all campuses. Open flame candles are not permitted indoors. Fog/smoke machines are not permitted without written approval from Risk Management. All patrons must adhere to the fire codes imposed by city ordinances.
Page last updated 2:50 PM, October 1, 2024