Child Care
Financial Assistance
Texas Workforce - CCS
Child Care Services (CCS) The Child Care Services Program helps low-income families who are working or attending training or education programs. When applying, you will need to provide information on all aspects of your household income, the family members in your household, and all work or training activities for each adult living in your home. Child Care services are provided on a first come, first-serve basis, but they do maintain a waiting list.
Texas Pre-Kindergarten
Texas Pre-K Programs are often a great option for children who are going to be attending kindergarten in their next upcoming school year. Pre-K programs funded by the state are free for children who meet specific eligibility requirements. Each Pre-K program’s offering is determined by the school district. Below are several local area Pre-K programs.
SNAP-Free Food
You may be eligible for free food. The CARE Office facilitates monthly SNAP consultations. SNAP is a federal food assistance program in which qualifying college students can receive nutritional assistance.
Women, Infants, Children (WIC)
The WIC Program intends to protect the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to the age of 5 who are at a nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods that enhance diet, information on healthy eating, and references to health care.
Child Care Search
TWU’s School Age Children’s Enrichment Program (The Clubhouse)
The Clubhouse is an enrichment program designed for school age children between the ages of 5 and 12 (At the time of the child’s enrollment) of enrolled TWU students with priority given to TWU students living on-campus in family housing. Priority placement deadlines are July 15 for fall and March 15 for summer. Non-students affiliated with TWU will be considered on a space available basis. Learn more about The Clubhouse here.
Denton Area Child Care Lists
Tarrant County Child Care Lists
General Resources
- Child Care Services Guide
- Search for Child Care Centers through the State Database
- Don't Be in the Dark about Child Care
- Texas Rising Star Certified Programs
Connecting with Other Student Parents
Other parents can often be your best resource. Joining our student organization, TWU S.P.A.R.K. (Student Pioneers Also Raising Kids), is a great way to connect with other parents to find resources or recommendations about childcare, schools, etc. S.P.A.R.K. encourages and supports the non-traditional student’s integration into Texas Woman’s University. In conjunction with TWU, S.P.A.R.K. will represent the needs of non-traditional students in order to secure deserved privileges.
Want to learn more about S.P.A.R.K.? Contact the CARE office.
The CARE Office also hosts monthly events to assist in creating community for student parents. Coffee Chats, informational panels focused on seeking child care, and family friendly events are all aimed at welcoming and supporting student parents. You can find more information about upcoming events in Pioneer Engage.
What is SUCCESS?
What is SUCCESS?
Funded by the US Department of Education, the federal Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS) provides funding for child care sliding scale vouchers and support for qualified TWU students on the Denton campus through the TWU Succeed Using Child Care and Educational Student Services (SUCCESS). To learn more visit the SUCCESS CCAMPIS Program.
Page last updated 7:02 AM, June 6, 2024