
or download the Penji app on your cell phone and log on there.
2. Log in with your TWU email and password.
3. Once you log in, choose "For Students: Schedule Appointments."
4. Choose "Schedule a 50-minute appointment" or "View Drop-in hours."
5. Next, select a topic (the class for which you are seeking an appointment or "Other").
6. Choose a date and time for tutoring.
7. Choose a writing consultant.
8. Determine the kind of appointment you would like, either (1) a face-to-face meeting on the 2nd floor of the Blagg-Huey Library (Room 235), or (2) a Zoom meeting online, or (3) uploading a paper for comment, a process called an OWL (asynchronous online).
9. Tell the writing consultant what you would like to focus on during the appointment. Then upload a rubric or written assignment and upload the paper draft in WORD.
10. You will see an overview message on Penji listing your appointment's (A) topic; (B) Time and Day; (C) writing consultant; and (D) the location (i.e. library, Zoom, OWL (Asynchronous Online--uploading paper).
11. You will then get a confirmation email.
Page last updated 10:27 AM, December 10, 2024