2024-25 Funded Research Grants

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Principal Investigators(s) Project Title Institution Funding Period

PI – Martin Rosario

Exploring the impact of Transcranial Direct Stimulation (tDCS) Intervention on Cognitive Response Time and Standing Balance in People Living with HIV

Texas Woman's University

3/1/2025 –10/31/2026

PI - Bethany Plakke Anderson

Does repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improve cognition in an aged model of Fragile X syndrome?

Kansas State University

3/1/2025 –10/31/2026

PI -  Lou Ann Hintz
Co PI - Maria Peterson-Ahmad

Gather Around: Family Meals as a Catalyst for Healthy Dynamics and Reduced Stress

Texas Woman’s University

PI – Christopher Cagna
Co PI - Ekaterina Dobrykova


Examining Neural Mechanisms of Motivated Learning and Cognitive Performance in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A Functional MRI Study

Kessler Foundation


Page last updated 10:47 AM, December 12, 2024